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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-38SGZU

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TP 360,755C/CS - Reboot Problem Fix

Applicable to: World-Wide

ThinkPad 755 (or ThinkPad 360 with factory fitted sound card) reboots when exiting Windows and the TrackPoint II is touched.

Problem Isolation Aids:
See fix.

To fix the problem follow these steps :-
1. Start Windows.
2. Select MAIN program group.
3. Select CONTROL PANEL program item.
4. Select SOUND.
5. Select WINDOWS EXIT event, then choose a sound file to play on this event. It does not matter which file (*.WAV) you choose, so long as WINDOWS EXIT is not set to NONE.
6. Select OK.
7. Problem fixed.

To clarify, the reboot on exit of Windows is a known Windows bug for anything that uses a multimedia timer. When you use Microsoft's documented API to release the timer and unload the driver, Windows attempts to send one last timer event to your no-longer-loaded driver. Microsoft has acknowledged the problem for several years now. An alternative work around is given below if you actually want NO sound on Windows exit.
a. Open the Sound Recorder.
b. Do not connect anything to the microphone input. If you have a 755, input a pair of headphones into the input jack to disconnect the built in microphone.
c. Let the Sound Recorder record 1-2 seconds of nothing.
d. Save this as a file like NOTHING.WAV
e. Use the control panel to assign this as your closing sound.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Audio, DOS/Windows 3.x

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 360, ThinkPad 750, ThinkPad 755C/CS

Machine Type

2620, 9545




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