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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3JRR6K

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TP 310,315 - Checking the AC Adapter

Applicable to: World-Wide

Checking the AC Adapter:
You are here because the computer fails only when the AC Adapter is used. If the power-on indicator of the AC Adapter does not turn on, make sure of the following:
- Power cord is not damaged.
- Power cord is securely connected to the AC Adapter and AC power outlet.

If the above check does not solve the problem, replace the AC Adapter. If the power-on indicator of the AC Adapter is on, then proceed to the next step.
1. Unplug the AC Adapter cable from the computer and measure the output voltage at the plug of the AC Adapter cable.




19.0 to 20.5



If the problem is still not corrected, go to "Undetermined Problems" on page 28 of the HMM. If the voltage is not correct, go to the next step.

2. Unplug the AC Adapter cable from the AC power outlet and wait five minutes or longer to allow the over-voltage protection

circuit of the AC Adapter to be fully discharged and initialized.

3. Plug the AC Adapter cable into the AC power outlet.

4. Measure the output voltage of the AC Adapter.

5. If the voltage is still not correct, replace the AC Adapter.

An audible noise from the AC Adapter does not always indicate a defective adapter.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 310, ThinkPad 315

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