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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3RMNBJ

Servers - Memory leaks/hang with Netfinity Services and ASMA with NetWare

Applicable to: World-Wide

NetWare reports memory errors, modules fail to load, %free memory decreases, and/or the system may reboot or hang.

All of the following must be true for this tip to apply:

- The system is any PC Server/Netfinity server that supports and is configured with a IBM Advanced Systems Management Adapter (Option p/n 94G5570 / FRU p/n 76H3240 OR Option p/n 94G7578 /FRU p/n 12J4743.

- The system is running Novell NetWare 3x or 4x, and Netfinity Client Services for NetWare.

- The Advanced Systems Management Adapter Driver for NetWare is IBMSPN.NLM from the "Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration update utility and device driver diskette" ver 2.1 or lower.

- The Advanced System Management Adapter is properly configured for use with the server.

- The system and Network Operating System are configured correctly with supported memory.

- System diagnostics pass.

1- Before going onsite, download the "Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration update utility and device driver diskette ver 2.20" or later. It is located at the following IBM Website URL:

- Select "Search"

- Type "Management Adapter Configuration" in the Keywords box, then select "Search"

- Select "Advanced System Management Adapter Configuration update utility and device driver diskette version 2.20" to download. This is a self-extracting executable file that will prompt for a blank diskette.

Read the READ.ME file located in the root directory of the new diskette for software/BIOS updates that may need to be installed to fully utilize the functionality of this software update.

The following is contained in the NETWARE Directory on the new diskette:

. <DIR> 12-04-97 11:18a
.. <DIR> 12-04-97 11:18a
IBMSPN NLM 55720 12-04-97 11:10a
SETUP NLM 55620 12-04-97 11:10a
INSTAL4 NLM 55500 12-04-97 11:11a
5 file(s)

2- Copy the SM.INI from the "Advanced System Manager Configuration update and device driver diskette" that was last used to configure the adapter to the new diskette. If the SM.INI is not available, then create a new one as follows:

- With the new diskette in the server, type the following at the NetWare console prompt:

- Configure the Advanced System Management Adapter resources (refer to the "Basic Adapter Configuration" section in the "Advanced System Management Adapter Users Guide" for instructions configuring the adapter.)

3- Insert the diskette into the server, and type the following at the NetWare console prompt:

The new driver IBMASPN.NLM will be copied to the server, loaded in NetWare, and the autoexec.ncf file will be modified to load the driver whenever NetWare is started.

Netfinity will leak small amounts of memory each time it sends a command to the Advanced Systems Management Adapter. Eventually the server runs out of memory and hangs. The new IBMSPN.NLM fixes this problem.

PSY2, UNCLASSIFIED, D/T8638, D/T8639, D/T8640, D/T8641, D/T8650, D/T9651, D/T8644, ASMA, PSY2ADAPTER, PSY2HANG, HEALTH

Search Keywords

PSY2, UNCLASSIFIED, D/T8638, D/T8639, D/T8640, D/T8641, D/T8650, D/T9651, D/T8644, ASMA, PSY2ADAPTER, PSY2HANG, HEALTH

Hint Category


Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3500, PC Server 300, PC Server 310, PC Server 315, PC Server 320, PC Server 325, PC Server 330, PC Server 500, PC Server 520, PC Server 704

Machine Type

8644, 8640, 8639, 8638, 8641, 8650




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Owning B.U.: USA, USA=A, EMA=A, AFE=A