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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: COBN-3KAHE6

TP General - Installation instructions for PC Card Director

Applicable to: World-Wide

This document is for the TP 365X/XD, 560/E, 760E/ED/EL/ELD/X/XD, and 765 series.


1.0 How to Install PC Card Director
2.0 How to Run the PC Card Director Utilities
3.0 Parameter Definitions
4.0 Hints
5.0 Enhanced Features
6.0 Files

1.0 How to Install PC Card Director

1.1 For OS/2

- Start OS/2 2.1 or later (OS/2 2.0 or 1.x are not supported).
- Start an "OS/2 Full Screen" or an "OS/2 Window".
- Insert the "PC Card Director for OS/2" diskette into the diskette drive.
- Type "A:\PCMINST2" and press ENTER.
- Follow the instruction on the screen.
- Restart the system after completing the installation.

1.2 For Windows (includes DOS)

- Start Windows (Enhanced Mode).
- Select "File" from the Program Manager window; then select "Run..." from the pull-down menu.
- Insert the "PC Card Director for DOS,Windows" diskette into the diskette drive.
- Type "A:\PCMINSTW" and press ENTER.
- Follow the instruction on the screen.
- Restart the system after completing the installation.

1.3 For DOS

- Insert the "PC Card Director for DOS,Windows" diskette into the diskette drive.
- Type "A:\PCMINSTD" and press ENTER.
- Follow the instruction on the screen.
- Restart the system after completing the installation.

2.0 How to Run the PC Card Director Utilities

2.1 For OS/2

The PC Card Director Utilities for OS/2 are registered as objects in the "PC Card Director" folder. You can see ICONs titled "PC Card Director", "ATA Mount Utility", "Auto Configurator Utility", and "Supported PC Cards". To start these utilities, click on an ICON.

2.1 For Windows

The PC Card Director Utilities for Windows are registered as objects in the "PC Card Director" group. You can see ICONs titled "PC Card Director", "ATA Mount Utility", "Auto Configurator Utility", "Driver's Selector", "PC Card Director Launcher", and "Supported PC Cards". To start these utilities, click on an ICON. You can also start these utilities from the PC Card Director Launcher utility.

2.3 For DOS

The PC Card Director Utilities for DOS are stored in the "EZPLAY(THINKPAD)" sub-directory or your specified sub-directory. You can start the "PC Card Director" utility (EZPLAY.EXE) and the "Drivers Selector" utility (PCMCUSTD.EXE) from this sub-directory.

3.0 Parameter Definitions

3.1 Socket Services

/C0=z : These parameters define the IRQ level to be used by the
/C1=z Socket Services driver. The new Card Services and Socket Services drivers for both DOS and OS/2 do not use a hardware interrupt to notify the PCMCIA status change, so you do not need these parameters.

/IG0=y : This parameter defines a slot number, which Socket Services ignores. If you use the "Point enabler" supplied with a PC Card, you should take into consideration the coexistence with Socket Services. For Example, "/IG0=1" defines that slot 1 is reserved for a "Point enabler" and Socket Services will ignore the slot.

/RI0=x : This parameter defines a slot number, which Socket Services disables the RI_OUT signal. If you are using a modem card with a ThinkPad computer, and you can't enable the "suspend" or "hibernation" function while the modem card is inserted, please try this parameter. For Example, "/RI0=1" defines the slot 1.

/D : This parameter enables "Warm docking" from the view point of PCMCIA hardware. By adding this parameter, two additional PCMCIA slots are reserved for the docking station.

/APOFF : This parameter turns off the Auto-Power Mode. If the Auto-Power Mode is ON, a PC Card will be automatically turned ON by the hardware when it is inserted. The default Auto-Power Mode is ON.

/IO0=s : This parameter defines the slot number, which Socket Services will change the way it generates the -IOCS16 signal. By default, the -IOCS16 signal is generated based on the -IOIS16 signal from the PC Card. If this parameter is specified, the -IOCS16 signal is generated based on the I/O data size which is specified by the Client program. This option is needed for some cards which do not generate the -IOIS16 signal. You need to verify this information with PCMCIA card vendors. For Example, "/IO0=1" specifies that the -IOCS16 signal for slot 1 is to be generated based on the I/O data size specified by the Client program.

/NOEMS : Sets IBMDSSxx.SYS to not use EMS.

3.2 Card Services

/R=200 : This parameter changes the Card Services Specification release level. The default Card Services Specification release level of the DOS Card Services driver (IBMDOSCS.SYS) is 2.10. If this parameter is specified, the DOS Card services driver conforms to the Card Services Specification release 2.00.
<< Note >>
This is valid ONLY for the DOS Card Services (IBMDOSCS.SYS).

/R=500 : This parameter changes the Card Services Specification release level. If this parameter is specified, the DOS Card Services driver conforms to the PC Card Standard 1995.
<< Note >>
This is valid ONLY for the DOS Card Services (IBMDOSCS.SYS).

/FLASH : This parameter enables the Card Services Bulk Memory functions. This parameter is necessary only when you are using Flash cards.
<< Note >>
This is valid ONLY for the DOS Card Services (IBMDOSCS.SYS).

/NOEMS : Sets IBMDOSCS.SYS to not use EMS.

/P : This parameter disables the hardware interrupt which was used by the OS/2 Socket Services drivers to notify the PCMCIA status change. The new Card Services and Socket Services drivers for both DOS and OS/2 do not use a hardware interrupt to notify the PCMCIA status change so you do not need this parameter.

3.3 Resource Map Utility

/MA=xxxx-yyyy : Specifies the address range available for Card Services and the PC Cards. This should be specified in the range from C000h to EFFFh. One or more ranges may be specified in 4K blocks with a comma (,) separating the address ranges.
<< Note >>
If EMM386 or another EMS memory manager is used, this area must be excluded from use by the memory manager. (For example: "EMM386 X=xxxx-yyyy".)
<< Note >>
The minimum size of this area depends on:
- The type of the PC Card used (see the below list)
- Number of PC Cards used at the same time
- Combinations of PC Cards used at the same time
- Card Services: 4K (mandatory) or 8K (CardBus system)
- Modem: 0K
- IBM Ethernet: 16K
- IBM Token Ring: 24K
- IBM 3270: 8K
- IBM 5250: 8K
- SRAM: 4K
- ATA: 0K
<< Note >>
If you are using Windows 3.1, the area specified by the "/MA=" parameter must also be included in the "EMMEXCLUDE=" statement of the SYSTEM.INI file.

/IX=n Specifies the IRQ level (or levels) that should not be used by the PC Cards (where n=IRQ level). This parameter is used to avoid possible IRQ conflicts. The Resource Map Utility can automatically detect many IRQ's that are already in use, but may not detect all. Multiple IRQ's may be specified by separating them with a comma (,). For Example, the IRQ for the SCSI controller in the Dock I used with ThinkPad computers (IRQ11 as default) is not automatically detected by the Resource Map Utility. So, if a PC Card client driver requests the IRQ from Card Services, a conflict may occur unless this parameter is used (/IX=11) to specify that the SCSI IRQ should not be used.

/SH=1 : This parameter enables the "Shared" IRQ for the built-in serial devices. If this parameter is set, the Resource Map Utility registers the IRQ levels for the system's built-in serial devices as "Shared" IRQ level. So the inserted modem PC Card can be configured as IRQ4 or IRQ3 which may be used by the built-in serial devices.

4.0 Hints

4.1 For OS/2

- For OS/2 Warp 3.0, you can see current system resource information with RMVIEW.EXE program. The RMVIEW.EXE is a standard OS/2 utility program which is included in OS/2 Warp 3.0. To run this program, type "RMVIEW" at the OS/2 command prompt and press ENTER. You can see short help with "/?" option.

- For OS/2 Warp 3.0, the RESERVE.SYS is used instead of the Resource Map Utility(ICRMU01.SYS,RMUOS2AT.SYS). The RESERVE.SYS is a standard OS/2 device driver which is included in OS/2 Warp 3.0.

RESERVE.SYS: RESERVE.SYS is used in conjunction with the Resource Manager in two separate scenarios:

* If you are using a device driver that is not Resource Manager-aware and you know the resources that the device uses, use RESERVE.SYS to reserve those resources so the Resource Manager-aware drivers will not have access to those resources.

* If you have a piece of hardware that does not tolerate the examination of its resources, reserve the resources so the Resource Manager-aware drivers do not examine the hardware.

To use RESERVE.SYS, place the following statement as the first line in CONFIG.SYS:










Reserve IO ports. The first number is the base port in HEX, and is followed by the length (number of ports) in HEX.




same as /IO:




Reserve Memory. The first number is the base memory address in HEX, with the assumption that the address is XXXX:0, and is followed by the length (number of address) in HEX.




Reserve DMA Channel. The number is in decimal format.




Reserve IRQ. The number is in decimal format.




Exclusive resource attribute.




Multiplexed resource attribute.




Shared resource attribute.




Decode width of IO address. Valid numbers are 10 and 16. Only valid with /IO: switch.

More than one resource attribute per-resource entry is an error and is not allowed. If no attribute or decode width is set, the default is EXCLUSIVE and 16 respectively. For example, to reserve an IRQ 13 EXCLUSIVE, DMA 0 SHARED, MEMORY CA00:0 for 1000 hex-bytes shared, IO ports 340 for 10 hex-ports EXCLUSIVE and with a decode width of 16, and IO ports 300 for 64 hex-ports with a decode width of 10, the following is specified:

BASEDEV=RESERVE.SYS /IRQ:13 /DMA:0 /SHA /MEM:CA00,1000 /SHA /IO:340,10/IO:300,64 /DW:10

- All the PC cards, which have been powered off in the utility, will be powered on when you exit from the PC Card Director utility.

4.2 For DOS or Windows

- If you use an EMS driver with PCMCIA drivers under a DOS/Windows environment, the memory area specified by /MA must be excluded from the usable area for the EMS driver.

DEVICE=C:\...\EMM386.EXE ... /X=xxxx-yyyy
DEVICE=C:\...\DICRMU01.SYS /MA=xxxx-yyyy

< SYSTEM.INI for Windows >

- If you use the QEMM and run its OPTIMIZE program, you need special attention for the Resource Map Utility (DICRMU01.SYS, RMUDOSAT.SYS). Before running the OPTIMIZE program, remove the Resource Map Utility from your CONFIG.SYS as follows:


After completing the OPTIMIZE program, add the Resource Map Utility again. The Resource Map Utility does not stay in memory, so you no memory area is used.

- PC Card Director for Windows supports Windows 3.1x Enhanced Mode only.
- If you insert or remove PC cards when a dialog box is opened, some contents and functions may not be valid in the dialog box. In this case please close the dialog box, and reopen it.

- All the PC cards, which have been powered off in the utility, will be powered on when you exit from the PC Card Director utility.

4.3 Storage PC Cards

- Before using a brand-new FLASH PC Card, you have to initialize the card with the FFORMAT.EXE, FCHECK.EXE, FFORMAT2.EXE or FCHECK2.EXE program.

- If you see the following message :

<< Attention >>
This card isn't supported formally
It is possible that it doesn't work correctly while the FFORMAT.EXE, FCHECK.EXE, FFORMAT2.EXE or FFORMAT2.EXE program is running, the card will be formatted as if it has 256KB-erase-zone size and the write/erase logic of INTEL 28F020 or 28F010.

- If you see the following message :

The size of this card is too small for the card to be formatted while the FFORMAT.EXE, FCHECK.EXE, FFORMAT2.EXE or FFORMAT2.EXE program is running, the card can't be formatted because it does not have enough size to make the transfer unit.(At least one transfer unit is required for FTL.)

- You can't use the SRAM region of the IBM FLASH & SRAM combo card on DOS. The card appears to be a FLASH card if you install FLSHDMTD.SYS (FLASH memory technology driver), PAWATASF.SYS (ATA/SRAM/FLASH device driver), or other drivers.

- You can't use the SRAM region of the IBM FLASH & SRAM combo card on OS/2 even if you install PCM2SRAM.SYS (SRAM device driver). The card appears to be a FLASH card if you install FLSH2MTD.SYS (FLASH memory technology driver), PCM2FLSH.SYS (FLASH device driver), or other drivers.

- OS/2 Warp includes the unique flash memory card device driver that can enable only IBM flash memory cards. The flash memory card device driver in this PC Card Director can't enable the cards formatted with the one in OS/2 Warp.

- In case of formatting two or more Storage PC Cards, you have to run and exit the FORMAT program for every card. You must not format two or more Storage PC Cards continuously.

- You can't use the DISKCOPY program for the Storage PC Cards drive.

- If your PC has two or more PCMCIA slots, do not insert or remove a storage PC Card in the slot while you are executing DOS commands, such as FORMAT or COPY to a storage PC Card in other slot.

- If your system has three or more PCMCIA slots, for example a notebook computer with docking station which has PCMCIA slots, you must specify the total number of PCMCIA slots to use Storage PC Card in every slot on OS/2. If you have four PCMCIA slots:


4.4 Others

- For the Auto Configurator driver and Utility, please refer to the AUTODRV.DOC file for more detail.

- For the PC Cards, please refer to the PCMCIA.CRD file for more detail on the support level.

- For the PC Cards, sample installation/configuration files (CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, etc.) are available on your "PC Card Director for OS/2" diskette. Please refer to the \SAMPLES directory on the diskette.

- If you use a Docking Station with your notebook computer, the adapter cards or the devices in the docking station may use resources such as I/O port, memory window, IRQ. Exclude these resources from the usable area of the Card Services. To exclude resources from the usable area, Resource Map Utility (DOS, OS/2 2.1) or RESERVE.SYS (OS/2 Warp) can be used. See "3.3 Resource Map Utility" or "4.1 For OS/2" (RESERVE.SYS) in this document.

- Add /INT option if an error or a timeout occurs while ATA(HDD) card being used.


In this case 4KB memory window is required for every ATA(HDD) card.

- Close the PC Card Director utility before the system enters suspend mode or hibernate mode.

- Close the PC Card Director utility and remove and insert the PC card if the PC card isn't enabled after the system exits suspend mode or hibernate mode.

- Place $ICPMOS2.SYS above Mwave device drivers in CONFIG.SYS if Mwave device drivers are installed and $ICPMOS2.SYS is located below them.

5.0 Enhanced Features

5.1 Common for OS/2, DOS, and Windows

- New Storage PC Card Drivers which support ATA, SRAM and FLASH PC Cards.
- New Auto Configurator which can be customized easily to support a variety of I/O PC Cards.
- New utility programs:
- ATA Mount Utility which enables multiple partitions on a ATA PC Card.
- Auto Configurator Utility which helps users with customization.
- New PC Card Director Utility which provides great usability:
- Power control for the PC Cards.
- Information for error, PC Card resource, System resource, and more.
- Selectable ICON, application, or sound for the PC Cards.
- New sample installation/configuration files.
- New problem determination scenario in the manual.

5.2 For OS/2

- New Virtual Card Services driver which supports MVDM environments. This driver realizes that the PC Cards are enabled with the DOS PC Card drivers.

5.3 For DOS or Windows

- New PC Card Director Launcher which helps you run applications easily.
- New utility programs help users with system configuration:
- Drivers Selector Utility to select the device drivers.
- Memory Set Up Utility to set up the memory area(UMB) for the PC Cards

6.0 Files

6.1 PC Card Director for OS/2

READ.ME : This file
PCMINST2.DAT : Installation program for OS/2
PCMINST2.EXE : Installation program for OS/2, data file
IBMSKTSV.INF : Installation program for Windows95, data file
PCMCIA.CRD : PC Card Support List

EZPLAY2.DL@ : PC Card Director Utility for OS/2
EZPLAY2.HLP : PC Card Director Utility for OS/2, help file
PCMCIA.SY@ : Card Services driver for OS/2
IBM2SSxx.SY@ : Socket Services driver for OS/2
IBMCSSxx.VXD : Socket Services driver for Windows95
ICRMU01.SY@ : Resource Map Utility driver for OS/2
VPCMCIA.SY@ : Virtual Card Services driver for OS/2
$ICPMOS2.SY@ : PCMCIA Power Management Support driver for OS/2
PAWFLDR.ICO : PC Card Director Folder ICON file
COM.SY@ : COM.SYS for OS/2 2.1
AUTODRV2.SY@ : Auto Configurator for OS/2
AUTODRV2.SCR : Auto Configurator for OS/2, script file
AUTOUTL2.EX@ : Auto Configurator Utility for OS/2
AUTODRV2.SEL : Auto Configurator Utility for OS/2, data file
AUTOUTL2.HLP : Auto Configurator Utility for OS/2, help file
AUTODRV.DOC : Auto Configurator READ.ME file
*.SCR : Auto Configurator sample script files
ATAMNT2.EX@ : ATA Mount Utility for OS/2
ATAMNT2.HLP : ATA Mount Utility for OS/2, help file
OS2PCARD.DMD : Storage Driver for OS/2
PCM2ATA.ADD : Storage Driver for OS/2 (ATA)
PCMSSDIF.SY@ : Storage Driver for OS/2 (Interface)
PCM2SRAM.SY@ : Storage Driver for OS/2 (SRAM)
FLSH2MTD.SY@ : Storage Driver for OS/2 (FLASH MTD)
PCM2FLSH.SY@ : Storage Driver for OS/2 (FLASH)
FCHECK2.EX@ : FLASH PC Card Low-Level check program for OS/2
FFORMAT2.EX@ : FLASH PC Card Low-Level format program for OS/2

..... : Installation/Configuration sample files

6.2 PC Card Director for DOS,Windows

READ.ME : This file
PCMINSTD.BAT : Installation program for DOS
UINSTALL.EXE : Installation Program for DOS
PCMINST.DAT : Installation program for DOS, data file
PCMINSTW.EXE : Installation program for Windows
PCMINSTW.DAT : Installation program for Windows, data file
PCMCIA.CRD : PC Card Support List

PCMINST.EXE : Installation program for DOS
PCMCUSTD.EXE : Drivers Selector for DOS
MASETUPD.EXE : Memory Set Up program for DOS
MASETUPD.MSG : Memory Set Up program for DOS, help file
THINKPAD.IDP : Installation data files for DOS

EZPLAY.EXE : PC Card Director Utility for DOS
EZPLAYW.EX_ : PC Card Director Utility for Windows
EZPLAYW.INI : PC Card Director Utility for Windows, data file
EZPLAYW.HL_ : PC Card Director Utility for Windows, help file
EZLIB.DL_ : PC Card Director Utility for Windows, library
EZLAUNCH.EX_ : PC Card Director Launcher for Windows
PCMCUSTW.EXE : Drivers Selector for Windows
PCMCUSTW.HL_ : Drivers Selector for Windows, help file
MASETUPW.EX_ : Memory Set Up program for Windows
MASETUPW.HL_ : Memory Set Up program for Windows, help file
IBMDOSCS.SYS : Card Services driver for DOS
IBMDSSxx.SYS : Socket Services driver for DOS
DICRMU01.SYS : Resource Map Utility driver for DOS
$ICPMDOS.EXE : PCMCIA Power Management Support driver for DOS
IBMVCD.386 : Windows 3.1 Virtual COM driver (PCMCIA Support)

AUTODRV.SYS : Auto Configurator for DOS
AUTODRV.SCR : Auto Configurator for DOS, script file
AUTOUTL.EXE : Auto Configurator Utility for DOS
AUTOUTLW.EX_ : Auto Configurator Utility for Windows
AUTODRVW.SEL : Auto Configurator Utility for Windows, data file
AUTOUTLW.HL_ : Auto Configurator Utility for Windows, help file
AUTODRV.DOC : Auto Configurator READ.ME file
*.SCR : Auto Configurator sample script files

ATAMNTD.EXE : ATA Mount Utility for DOS
ATAMNTW.EX_ : ATA Mount Utility for Windows
ATAMNTW.HL_ : ATA Mount Utility for Windows, help file
PAWATA.SYS : Storage Driver for DOS (ATA)
PAWATAS.SYS : Storage Driver for DOS (ATA,SRAM)
FLSHDMTD.SYS : Storage Driver for DOS (FLASH MTD)
FCHECK.EXE : FLASH PC Card Low-Level check program for DOS
FFORMAT.EXE : FLASH PC Card Low-Level format program for DOS

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 365X/XD, ThinkPad 560, ThinkPad 560E, ThinkPad 760ED, ThinkPad 760XD, ThinkPad 760EL/ELD, ThinkPad 760XL, ThinkPad 765L, ThinkPad 765D

Machine Type

2625, 2640, 9546, 9547




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