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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3ABJKV

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IBM PC - Halts after pressing <NumLock> or <CapsLock> key in SCO

Applicable to: World-Wide

Symptom :
If this Boot Time Loadable Driver (BTLD) is not loaded, PC300 will halt after pressing <NumLock> or <CapsLock> key.

Fix :
This Support Level Supplement (SLS) OSS424A will allow the installation of SCO system software on systems implemented with faster CPUs and an AMI keyboard BIOS. In this case, faster CPUs can generally be defined as systems employing a Pentium processor executing at 75Mhz or faster. The problem occurs when the keyboard locks up and no longer handles keyboard events.

SLS OSS424A can be installed on these SCO products:

SCO MPX Release 3.0
SCO SMP (Symmetrical Multiprocessing) Release 5.0.0
SCO Open Server Enterprise System Release 3.0
SCO Open Server Network System Release 3.0
SCO Open Desktop Release 3.0
SCO Open Desktop Lite Release 3.0
SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Operating System Version 4.2
SCO OpenServer Enterprise System Release 5.0.0
SCO OpenServer Desktop System Release 5.0.0
SCO OpenServer Host System Release 5.0.0

A Boot Time Loadable Driver (BTLD), the "kbp" BTLD, is contained in SLS OSS424A. BTLDs are used by entering a command at the "Boot:" prompt.To properly install this BTLD, follow these directions:

If the kbp BTLD is the only BTLD being used, use this command:

: defbootstr link="kbp"

If more than one BTLD will be used, use this command:

: defbootstr link="kbp other-btld"

For example, if the system software is installed from a CD-ROM on an Adaptec 2940, this command line would be used:

: defbootstr link="kbp alad"

If you have SCO OpenServer Release 5, and are using another BTLD that requires you to use ahslink, use this command:

: defbootstr ahslink="kbp other-btld"

For example, if the system software is installed from a CD-ROM on the IDE bus, this command line would be used:

: defbootstr ahslink="kbp ATAPI"

The message "Characteristic 'B' not supported; ignored" may be displayed. This message can be safely ignored and will not adversely affect the operation of the BTLD.

Note: Wait for the installation program to prompt for disk changes. Do not change floppies until instructed.

When a BTLD is installed, the appropriate components are installed into the link kit. By placing the components in the link kit all subsequent kernel links will contain the BTLD modules. Therefore, when a driver is added or removed from the system, the proper BTLD components continue to be present in newly built kernels.

If your system has already been installed and you want to add the kbp package, use the "installpkg" command. Insert the kbp BTLD disk, SLS OSS424A, in your floppy drive and type "installpkg."

After the driver is installed, activate it by editing the file /etc/conf/sdevice.d/kbp. The file will contain one line like this:

kbp N 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Change the "N" to a "Y" so it looks like this:

kbp Y 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

Link a new kernel by typing /etc/conf/cf.d/link_unix. The new driver will take effect the next time you reboot.

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Product Family

PC 330, PC 340, PC 350, PC 360, PC 365

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