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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-38BDX3

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IBM PC - Select-A-System preloads (dual boot configuration)

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
This service tip contains information pertaining to the IBM PC300 and PC700 series of Select-A-System preloads of DOS and Windows and OS/2 Warp in a dual boot configuration.

The OS/2 CONFIG.sys file and the OS/2*.INI files are configured with the idea that all of the preloaded bonus pack utilities are already loaded on the system. If the user has not loaded all of the original software from the bonus pack then the user can expect errors at boot from the missing device drivers for the specific bonus pack applications. There are two config.* files on this diskette. The config.001 is the config.sys the user will use if the factory diskettes were used to reinstall the operating system and bonus pack utilities. The config.002 is the original config.sys file from the original factory preload.

The following information and disk images may be of assistance in the above situation:

WARPUT01.DSK is a warp bootable utility diskkette that will allow the user to boot the system without using the hard drive. There are three disk images required to boot the computer and the files are named UT01 to UT03. These disks can be obtained by clicling on the following icon :-

PC350ORI.DSK is the diskette that contains the original OS2 config.sys as well as the original OS2 .INI files. The user must boot the computer with the WARP utility disks and copy the files from the root directory on this disk onto the hard drive. Copy the appropiate config file to the root directory and copy the os2*.ini files to the \OS2 subdirectory. These files apply to the PC350 486 based machines. See the above note for the correct config.sys file to copy. Copy the correct config.001 or config.002 file to the root directory and rename it to CONFIG.SYS. This diskette also contains the desktop subdirectory structure backed up with the BACKUP command. The user must boot the Warp utility disks and insert the disk number 3 and type the following command:
restore c: a: /s
exactly as listed above. When the a: prompt returns the user reboots the machine and the original desktop should appear. If the video is not clear then the user must download the file OS2_DACS.DSK to refresh the SVGA.EXE file on the hard drive and then retry the desktop restore and the original config.sys and .ini files. The above files can be obtained by clicking on the following icons:-



PC750ORI.DSK Same description as for the 350FILES.DSK file, but applies to the PC700/750 series of pentium based machines. This disk can be obtained by clicking on the following icon :-

If the user cannot get a higher resolution than 640x480x256 colors after resintalling Warp, then the user should apply the OS2_DACS.DSK (see above) to correct the resolution problem, and retry the restore process.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Preloaded Software

Date Created


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Revision Date




Product Family

PC 330, PC 350, PC 730, PC 750

Machine Type

6571, 6573, 6575, 6581, 6583, 6585, 6875, 6876, 6885, 6886



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