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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-38BFWR

PC Server 720 - Insufficient memory message loading diagnostics

Applicable to: World-Wide

While loading the Advanced Diagnostics on a PS/2 system, the following message is displayed: "Insufficient memory". The list of options to be tested may be incomplete. Affected systems: All PS/2 systems running IBM diagnostics.

Problem Isolation Aids
1. The memory diagnostics run without error.
2. Removal of one or more adapter, may correct the problem.

The diagnostic control program (DCP), resident on the Advanced Diagnostics Diskette (also pre-loaded into the system partition non-array systems), uses DOS to provide the operating environment. Therefore, it has the 640KB memory limitation imposed by DOS.

When the DCP begins testing, it loads all of the .DGS files that are available from either the Diagnostics Diskette or from the system partition. In certain hardware configurations, the total memory required by the diagnostics exceeds the 640KB DOS limitation. In this case, an "Insufficient Memory" error message is displayed. Execution will continue, but for those options/devices where the diagnostics did not get loaded, they will be missing from the list displayed by the DCP and are not testable. This situation is more likely to occur on larger systems with more Micro Channel slots due to their greater expansion capability.

Temporary Fix
Using the BACKUP copy of the system partition diskettes for the non-RAID array system, or the BACKUP copy of the reference and diagnostic diskettes for the RAID array system perform the following:
1. Rename the KYBD.DGS and KEYBOARD.DGS files to KYBD.TMP and KEYBOARD.TMP, respectively.
2. Then, for the non-array system, use the "Restore System Programs" option from the Main Menu to copy these updated diskettes into the system partition. For the array system, simply use the MODIFIED BACKUP copies of the reference and diagnostic diskettes.

With the files renamed, the DCP will not load the keyboard diagnostics files. Since keyboard problems tend to be obvious. This should free up enough memory to load the remaining diagnostics. This should not be a concern. Should it become necessary or desirable to execute the keyboard diagnostics, the original reference and diagnostics diskettes (RAID array or non-RAID array system) can be used.

Permanent Fix
A new version of the DCP will be released in the future that will overcome this limitation for future systems, both array and non-array, beginning with the PC Server 720 (est. avail. 6/30/95); however this new DCP will not solve the problem for prior array systems (e.g., 9595 and 8641), or for systems prior to the PC Server 720 using non-IBM SCSI adapters (e.g., Adaptec).

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Diagnostics, Error Messages, Retain

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 720

Machine Type




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