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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-468R8Q

Aptiva - Errors loading programs from CD-ROM

Applicable to: AP-S

You are receiving errors like illegal operation "invalid instruction 00c9:0015, when trying to install or run a CD-ROM program, but the CD-ROM works in all other aspects.


  1. Right Click on the My Computer icon on the Windows 95 or 98 desktop.
  2. Click on Properties and then choose Device Manager .
  3. Double-click on CD-ROM, then double-click on CD-ROM name, then click the Settings tab.
  4. If DMA is selected, unselect it.
  5. Click on OK and restart the computer .

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Error Messages

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2137, 2139, 2140, 2153, 2158, 2161, 2162, 2163, 2164, 2168, 2176


EQ1; EQ2; EQ3; EQ4; E5A; EPA; E7A; E6A; S8A; LQ1; LQ2; LQ3; LQ4; LQ5; LQ6; LQ7; SQ1; SQ2; E1A; E2A; E3A; E4A; E3Q; 247; 257; 267; 447; 547; 457; 557; 70A; 73A


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