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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: KMAS-3GCLKE

TP 760 - Microsoft NT Support

Applicable to: World-Wide

The IBM ThinkPad 760 family of notebook computers all support Microsofts NT v3.51 and NT v4.0 Workstation Operating System. However, as Microsoft NT Workstation is not designed for the portable/notebook market place, there are a number of features that exist on the IBM ThinkPad that there is no provision for within Microsoft NT. These include Power management, Video acceleration and InfraRed. As a consequence, Power management is limited, the use of enhanced video and MPEG will not function, and there is no infrared support.

You should be aware that:
1.The latest BIOS level on the IBM ThinkPad must be installed before loading Microsoft NT Workstation v3.51 or NT Workstation v4.0.
2.The latest video drivers from IBM should be installed on the IBM ThinkPad after NT Workstation v3.51 or NT Workstation v4.0 has been installed.
3.IBM ThinkPad features for Microsoft NT Workstation v3.51 or NT Workstation v4.0 should be installed on the IBM ThinkPad.
4.The latest level of MWave DSP device drivers and utilities should be installed on the IBM ThinkPad after the NT Workstation v3.51 or NT Workstation v4.0 has been installed.
5.The latest available fix pack from Microsoft for NT Workstation v3.51 or NT Workstation v4.0 should be installed.
Note: The latest NT Workstation v3.51 fix pack is v4, and the latest NT Workstation v4.0 fix pack is v2 (as at October 1996).

Installing NT Workstation v3.51
The process for installing Microsoft NT Workstation v3.51 on the IBM ThinkPad notebook computers is as follows :
1.Ensure the above criteria have been met, i.e. you have the latest level of BIOS, device drivers, and Microsoft NT fix packs to hand before installing Microsoft NT.
2.Install Microsoft NT Workstation v3.51 as described in the Microsoft documentation.
3.When performing the installation, you should perform a "Custom Installation" and not an "Express Setup" as they may encounter problems. The symptoms of the problem they are likely to encounter include a blank black screen during the installation process which causes the user to abort the installation. If it is necessary that the user performs an "Express Setup" then you will need to edit the TXTSETUP.SIF file which is found on diskette-1 prior to performing the Windows NT installation, page down and locate the [Display] section which will contain the following statements:

forcevga = "Standard VGA (640x480, 16 colors)", files.none
vga = "VGA or Compatible", files.video

Change the two lines above to read as follows:

forcevga = "Standard VGA (640x480, 16 colors)", files.video
vga = "VGA or Compatible", files.none

4.Save the changes back to the diskette and then start the Microsoft NT Workstation installation as before.
5.Alternatively, if you install Microsoft NT Workstation and perform a Custom Installation ensure you specify the video display as Standard VGA (640 * 480, 16 colours) again, otherwise the screen may exhibit a blank screen after the initial NT installation.
Note : See diagram for an easy guide to the process for installation

Installing NT Workstation v4.0
The process for installing Microsoft NT Workstation v4.0 on the IBM ThinkPad notebook computers is as follows :
1.Ensure the above criteria have been met, i.e. you have the latest level of BIOS, device drivers, and Microsoft NT fix packs to hand before installing Microsoft NT.
2.Install Microsoft NT Workstation v4.0 as described in the Microsoft documentation.
3.When installing Microsoft NT Workstation v4.0 onto the IBM ThinkPad 760 notebooks with an SVGA display, Microsoft NT Workstation will not auto-detect the video type and so will set the display up as standard VGA. Incidentally, the problem described when installing Microsoft NT Workstation v3.51 with the black screen video problem has been resolved in NT v4. To setup any higher resolution see the sub-section on ThinkPad Video for details as to how to setup 800 * 600 or 1024 * 768 pixel resolutions.

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Hint Category

Windows NT

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 760C, ThinkPad 760E, ThinkPad 760CD, ThinkPad 760L/LD, ThinkPad 760ED, ThinkPad 760XD, ThinkPad 760EL/ELD, ThinkPad 760XL, ThinkPad 765L, ThinkPad 765D

Machine Type

9546, 9547




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