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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3LZGUS

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM PC365 - Machine Type 6589-14U - ECA 010 Signal Quality Condition

Applicable to: World-Wide

The purpose of this ECA is to provide a replacement PCI/ISA Riser Card to eliminate a potential signal quality condition which may occur during file transfer operations in specific systems that contain a PCI networking adapter, IBM or OEM.

This condition can potentially interfere with or affect data being transferred between PCI network adapters and the referenced IBM PC System.

Type, Machines Affected
Model, With and/or Feature/Device B/M to be Service System
Stage B/M Description Installed Hours Hours

6589 B/M0000000 6589-14U ONLY B/M0000000 00.3 00.2
Affected systems contain any brand of PCI networking adapter cards, IBM or OEM.

System diagnostics run without errors.

Currently, the IBM PC365 6589-14U is the ONLY model exposed to the condition if it contains a PCI networking adapter card, IBM or OEM, and contains the following PCI/ISA riser card: IBM FRU P/N93H1426

A "Special Process" has been developed to assist Remarketers in updating their inventory of affected systems that are targeted for their Configuration Centers, both AAP and non-AAP configuration. This process assumes that the system will be undergoing "normal" hardware configuration changes prior to delivery to the customer, which would involve the removal of the top cover assembly to access the interior of the system unit. Those units that meet this criteria should be updated with the new riser card REGARDLESS of whether an IBM PCI Auto LANStreamer Token Ring or an IBM PCI Token Ring adapter will be installed now or at a later date by the end-user.

The following steps should be used to obtain the new riser card and receive a direct adjusted payment of $10.00 per unit updated during the Configuration Center process.

Do not submit a Warranty Claim form for systems updated in the Configuration Center using this process.

A) Contact 1-800-426-7763 as indicated in the "NOTES" section of this ECA to order the necessary number of riser cards to meet the weekly/monthly requirements of the configuration center.

B) Riser cards will be allocated to the Remarketer and delivered via the over-night carrier. The IBM PC Company will make voice contact with the designated contact person at the dealership to confirm the number of risers that will ship and arrange reimbursement.

C) Install the updated riser cards during the configuration process and DOCUMENT THE MACHINE TYPE AND SERIAL NUMBERS OF THOSE UPDATED SYSTEMS ON THE COMPANY LETTER HEAD. This information will be sent back to the IBM PC Company as verification of work performed and payment processing.

D) Riser cards replaced using the process MUST be returned to IBM using bulk return procedures. The contact person at IBM that arranged for shipment will also provide the return instructions.

This process is NOT intended for updating all systems in the Remarketers inventory. Only those systems that are to run through the configuration center are to updated with this process. All other systems in inventory (ship-through) will be updated in the field under the terms and conditions of this ECA.


IBM PC365 Series 6589-14U systems may experience the signal quality condition when used in conjunction with a PCI network adapter.

The condition can potentially cause a data error that could manifest itself in a system hang, or result in incorrect data with or without generating an error message.

Install riser card FRU P/N93H7830 in systems that meet all of the criteria for exposure to the potential condition, which include:

1) IBM PC365 Model 6589-14U system with a riser card matching the part number identification as stated in the "PREREQUISITES" section of this ECA.

2) The system contains a PCI networking adapter, IBM or OEM.

Placement of PCI adapters, especially PCI network adapters of any brand, should be done beginning with the PCI slot at the base of the riser card, closest to the system board. Additional PCI adapters should be installed in a bottom to top configuration.

Customers exposed to this potential condition should place the PCI network adapter in the slot closest to the system board until the new riser card has been installed. This will minimize the exposure to this condition.

This ECA provides labor reimbursement for replacement of a riser card in a PC 365 Series 6589-14U system that meets ALL of the criteria stated above.

Replacement riser cards MUST be ordered directly from the IBM PC Company HelpCenter at 1-800-426-7763. IBM Remarketers should use their existing Authorization and PIN numbers and the Dial-A-Speciality (DAS) code of 111.

IBM PC Company Marketing and TSS Servicers should also call the HelpCenter at 1-800-426-7763. The Authorization number is ECA010CARD, and the PIN number is B990. Use the DAS code stated above. This service will provide access to a support group established to distribute the new riser card. Do not order the updated riser using normal parts ordering procedures.

IBM Authorized Servicers should scrap replaced risers locally.
TSS Servicers should return replaced risers to the branch office for bulk return/scrap.

Replacement Riser cards should now be requested through, and claims made via the standard ECA processes.

All replaced risers should be returned to IBM via the normal UPR (Used Parts Return) process.

IBM and TSS Servicers should record time and travel, along with the other product information to:
Service Code: 33 (PSS) or 08 (BP)
Machine Type: 6589
ECA: 009
Other Branch Office: 990 (PSS only)

This ECA will expire on September 30, 1998

U.S. Business Partners should contact the HelpCenter to register their customer requirements for these cards. DO NOT ORDER THE UPDATED RISER USING NORMAL PARTS ORDERING PROCEDURES.


Search Keywords

riser, PCI

Hint Category

ECA, Retain, General Information

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PC 365

Machine Type





Retain Tip (if applicable)

H161030 / ECA010

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes

USA=A, EMA=N, AFE=A, Owning B.U.: USA