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Document ID: DETR-3UEMWT |
Aptiva-PS/1 - DEFRAG statistics after running DEFRAG
Applicable to: United States
After you run DEFRAG on a drive and then select it again to see how much fragmentation it has, you may notice that it shows 99% of the drive is unfragmented, rather than the 100% that you would normally expect. The reason for the discrepancy is due to the way the percentage is calculated, and the unexpected percentage should not be regarded as a problem with either the hard drive or the DEFRAG program.
One additional point of information about DEFRAG: If you run DEFRAG one day and then run DEFRAG the next day, you may find that the unfragmented percentage will have dropped to 98%. If you optimize the hard drive to get it back to 99% or 100%, and then run DEFRAG the following day, you may find that the 98% statistic is shown again. This is normal operation and does not mean that there is anything wrong with your system or the hard drive.
When you start up Windows, run applications, or do any tasks that involve creating or changing disk files, the operating system puts these files in the first area where it can find room. Normally, the files will be stored in contiguous sectors or clusters on the hard drive, with a minimum of fragmentation. Depending on the application and the number of files being used, however, there may be times when these files cannot occupy contiguous sectors or clusters, resulting in parts of a file being scattered in various places on the hard drive.
If enough of these files appear on a drive in this manner, it will result in the unfragmented percentage dropping a little bit each time it is checked with DEFRAG. Usually, it is not necessary to optimize the drive again, unless the percentage drops below 93%. Running DEFRAG to optimize files when the percentage is 97% or 98% unfragmented can be done, but it may just drop down to that level again in a day or so, thus negating any benefits.
It should be noted, too, that the non-fragmented level will decrease slowly after this initial fragmentation. It is not unreasonable to find that you've reached the 97% mark within a week, and it may take another two weeks to reach the 96% mark. Unless you're running a BBS or running some applications that do a large amount of file movement and updating, such as that involved with graphics or a database, it could easily take a month or more to even reach the 95% mark.
The unfragmented percentage may also decrease more rapidly if you do not have enough free space on the drive. This will normally be the case if you have less than 20 megabytes of free space on the drive, which might indicate that a second hard drive might be advisable or that unused files be removed from the system.
Search Keywords |
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Hint Category |
Hard Drives, Utility Software | |
Date Created |
23-04-96 | |
Last Updated |
08-12-98 | |
Revision Date |
07-12-99 | |
Brand |
IBM Aptiva | |
Product Family |
Aptiva, PS/1 | |
Machine Type |
2161, 2134, 2176, 2168, 2144, 2011, 2121, 2123, 2133, 2155, 2159, 2162 | |
Model |
C8E; C8H; C8X; C9E; C9S; C9X; 21R; 22R; 24R; 25R; 6R6; C21; C31; C32; 6R9; F31; C6D; 8R6; 8R9; 9R4; 6R8; 7R1; 7R3; 7R6; 7R7; 7R9; 7RO; 8R1; 8R8; 9R2; 9R3; C23; C33; C35; C55; C56; C65; C66; C67; C6V; C6Y; C6Z; C73; C76; C77; F23; F33; F35; F67; 5R5; M91; 2R5; 2R7; 2R8; M30; M35; M50; 2R6; 4R7; 4R8; M40; M54; M58; 3R0; 3R8; M60; M70; 3R4; 3R6; 4R1; 4R9; M31; M51; M52; M63; 2R9; 3R1; 3R3; 3R5; 3R7; 3R9; 4R0; 4R2; 4R3; M41; M53; M55; M56; M57; M61; M62; M71; M72; 5R1; 6R3; A10; A12; A14; 5R2; 5R3; 5R6; 5R8; 5R9; 6R0; 6R4; 6R5; A15; A40; A44; A45; A50; A51; A52; A90; A92; A94; 1R2; 66P; 67P; 86P; OR8; 1R1; 1R3; 1R5; 22P; 24P; 25P; 27P; 29P; 63P; 82P; 83P; OR6; OR7; OR9; 1R0; 26P; 62P; 2R0; P30; C01; C34; M01; NEA; T35; U35; A62; A82; B82; C42; C92; G42; M82; S92; 081; 087; 131; 137; K37; N31; N81; 11E; 13T; 14C; 16E; 17A; 18A; 18T; 19C; 21C; 23C; 28A; 46M; 51D; D50; G11; G13; G43; G46; G49; G50; G53; M46; P11; P13; P43; P50; P53; R04; R05; R06; R09; R38; R42; R43; R44; R84; R86; R87; RO3; S11; S13; S43; S45; S47; S48; S50; S53; W11; W13; W42; W43; W45; W50; W53; 20E; 22T; 24C; 24M; 28V; 39E; 41T; 43C; 45V; 48E; 50T; 52C; 55V; 72E; 74T; 76C; 78C; 79C; 81A; 82E; 84T; 86C; 87C; CC1; D53; G14; G44; G52; G54; G72; G76; G78; G82; NM1; P14; P44; P57; P71; P74; P76; P78; P84; R14; R15; R16; R17; R18; R51; R52; R57; R58; R62; R63; R67; R71; R89; R93; R96; R97; S14; S44; S54; S70; S75; S76; S78; S80; W14; W44; W48; W54; W67; W76; W77; W78; Z33; 31E; 33T; 37C; 38C; 51E; 54T; 56C; 57C; 88V; BB1; G57; G87; OR1; OR3; OR4; OR5; P89; R28; R29; R31; R74; R78; R82; R98; S55; S85; SR1; US1; W52; W82; S64; S66; S74; S7H; 13R; 14R; 15R; 16R; 19R; 20R; S8C; S8H; S9H; S9C; 28R; 29R; 31R; S90; 17R; 18R; 2R3; S15 | |
TypeModel |
2161C8E; 2161C8H; 2161C8X; 2161C9E; 2161C9S; 2161C9X; 216121R; 216122R; 216124R; 216125R; 21346R6; 2134C21; 2176C31; 2176C32; 21766R9; 2176F31; 2176C6D; 21768R6; 21768R9; 21769R4; 21766R8; 21767R1; 21767R3; 21767R6; 21767R7; 21767R9; 21767RO; 21768R1; 21768R8; 21769R2; 21769R3; 2176C23; 2176C33; 2176C35; 2176C55; 2176C56; 2176C65; 2176C66; 2176C67; 2176C6V; 2176C6Y; 2176C6Z; 2176C73; 2176C76; 2176C77; 2176F23; 2176F33; 2176F35; 2176F67; 21685R5; 2168M91; 21442R5; 21442R7; 21442R8; 2144M30; 2144M35; 2144M50; 21682R6; 21684R7; 21684R8; 2168M40; 2168M54; 2168M58; 21683R0; 21683R8; 2168M60; 2168M70; 21443R4; 21443R6; 21444R1; 21444R9; 2144M31; 2144M51; 2144M52; 2144M63; 21682R9; 21683R1; 21683R3; 21683R5; 21683R7; 21683R9; 21684R0; 21684R2; 21684R3; 2168M41; 2168M53; 2168M55; 2168M56; 2168M57; 2168M61; 2168M62; 2168M71; 2168M72; 21445R1; 21446R3; 2144A10; 2144A12; 2144A14; 21685R2; 21685R3; 21685R6; 21685R8; 21685R9; 21686R0; 21686R4; 21686R5; 2168A15; 2168A40; 2168A44; 2168A45; 2168A50; 2168A51; 2168A52; 2168A90; 2168A92; 2168A94; 21681R2; 216866P; 216867P; 216886P; 2168OR8; 21441R1; 21441R3; 21441R5; 214422P; 214424P; 214425P; 214427P; 214429P; 214463P; 214467P; 214482P; 214483P; 2144OR6; 2144OR7; 2144OR9; 21681R0; 21681R1; 216826P; 216862P; 21442R0; 2144P30; 2011C01; 2011C34; 2011M01; 2011NEA; 2011T35; 2011U35; 2121A62; 2121A82; 2121A94; 2121B82; 2121C42; 2121C92; 2121G42; 2121M82; 2121S92; 2123081; 2123087; 2123131; 2123137; 2123K37; 2123N31; 2123N81; 213311E; 213313T; 213314C; 213316E; 213317A; 213318A; 213318T; 213319C; 213321C; 213323C; 213328A; 213346M; 213351D; 2133D50; 2133G11; 2133G13; 2133G43; 2133G46; 2133G49; 2133G50; 2133G53; 2133M40; 2133M46; 2133P11; 2133P13; 2133P43; 2133P50; 2133P53; 2133R04; 2133R05; 2133R06; 2133R09; 2133R38; 2133R42; 2133R43; 2133R44; 2133R84; 2133R86; 2133R87; 2133RO3; 2133S11; 2133S13; 2133S43; 2133S45; 2133S47; 2133S48; 2133S50; 2133S53; 2133W11; 2133W13; 2133W42; 2133W43; 2133W45; 2133W50; 2133W53; 215520E; 215522T; 215524C; 215524M; 215528V; 215539E; 215541T; 215543C; 215545V; 215548E; 215550T; 215552C; 215555V; 215572E; 215574T; 215576C; 215578C; 215579C; 215581A; 215582E; 215584T; 215586C; 215587C; 2155CC1; 2155D53; 2155G14; 2155G44; 2155G52; 2155G54; 2155G72; 2155G76; 2155G78; 2155G82; 2155NM1; 2155P14; 2155P44; 2155P57; 2155P71; 2155P74; 2155P76; 2155P78; 2155P84; 2155R14; 2155R15; 2155R16; 2155R17; 2155R18; 2155R51; 2155R52; 2155R57; 2155R58; 2155R62; 2155R63; 2155R67; 2155R71; 2155R89; 2155R93; 2155R96; 2155R97; 2155S14; 2155S44; 2155S50; 2155S54; 2155S70; 2155S75; 2155S76; 2155S78; 2155S80; 2155W14; 2155W44; 2155W48; 2155W54; 2155W67; 2155W76; 2155W77; 2155W78; 2155Z33; 216828V; 216831E; 216833T; 216837C; 216838C; 216851E; 216854T; 216856C; 216857C; 216888V; 2168BB1; 2168G57; 2168G87; 2168OR1; 2168OR3; 2168OR4; 2168OR5; 2168P89; 2168R28; 2168R29; 2168R31; 2168R74; 2168R78; 2168R82; 2168R98; 2168S55; 2168S85; 2168SR1; 2168US1; 2168W52; 2168W82; 2159S64; 2159S66; 2159S74; 2159S7H; 2159S78; 215913R; 215914R; 215915R; 215916R; 215919R; 215920R; 2162S8C; 2162S8H; 2162S9H; 2162S9C; 216228R; 216229R; 216231R; 2159S80; 2159S90; 215917R; 215918R; 21442R3; 2144S15 | |
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