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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3RSP9N

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

Servers - 1.12 GB and 2.25 GB hard drive substitutions

Applicable to: World-Wide

When ordering a FRU part to replace certain hard drives, a drive with different capacity and/or model may be substituted dependent upon availability.

Orders for 1.12GB hard drive FRU p/n76H0957 will yield EITHER the FRU p/n76H0957 OR a 2.25GB hard drive FRU p/n42H1821.

Orders for 2.25GB hard drive FRU p/n76H0958 will yield EITHER the FRU p/n76H0958 OR a 2.25GB hard drive FRU

Example: An order for FRU p/n76H0957 will result in the shipment of a package labeled FRU p/n76H0957 that may contain hard drive FRU p/n42H1821. The substitute 2.25GB hard drive FRU p/n42H1821 has the following p/n's listed on an attached label:

< IBM P/N:07H0831 FRU:42H1821 >

Note: The IBM P/N: 07H0831 is NOT an Option p/n, it is a Manufacturing p/n.

ALL Option p/n's that use the 1.12GB hard drive FRU p/n76H0957 as well as those that use the 2.25GB hard drive FRU p/n76H0958 may be affected dependent upon availability.

RAID arrays incorporating drive FRU p/n's 76H0957 and 76H0958 will successfully rebuild the substitute 2.25GB hard drive
FRU p/n42H1821.

PSY2, D/TDASD, SERVICER ONLY, 76H0957, 76H0958, 42H1821, 07H0831, SUBSTITUTE

Search Keywords

PSY2, D/TDASD, SERVICER ONLY, 76H0957, 76H0958, 42H1821, 07H0831, SUBSTITUTE

Hint Category

Hard Drives, Retain

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IBM PC Server

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Owning B.U.: USA, USA=A, EMA=N, AFE=A , Date last altered: A98/02/17