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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-43EK7K

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Aptiva - 2158/2163/2164 Considerations - No shutdown screen in Windows 98

Applicable to: World-Wide

Upon shutting down the system, we are normally used to seeing the Windows Clouds screen with the text message across the bottom "Shutting Down". On the Biltmore systems this screen either shows up very briefly, or it flashes up so quickly that it can't be seen.

Models affected:
2158, 2163, and 2164

How to duplicate:
Perform any action that causes the system to perform an automated shutdown (ie. Start, Shutdown)

Root cause:
The systems seems to be performing all shutdown functions too quick for the screen to be displayed.

We have seen no ill effects from this problem. The system seems to have shut down correctly, and Scandisk is not run on the next reboot. No workthrough is needed; support just needs to be aware of this situation in case a customer inquires.

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Hint Category

Windows 98, Considerations

Date Created


Last Updated


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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2158, 2163, 2164




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and Admin Purposes