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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DJON-3GFREW

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM PC330/PC350 - S3 Trio driver causing system hang when using OS/2 Warp Connect with FixPak 26

Applicable to: World-Wide

Problem Description:
OS/2 Warp system hangs on boot prior to the OS/2 desktop if a startup.cmd is being used.

Problem Determination:
1) When system is set to VGA, system works.
2) Reinstall Trio drivers 2.85.02 from floppy and system fails.
3) System does not fail at FP17 level but does fail at FP26 level. NOTE: FP26 is required to solve other problems.

Fix :
This Problem has been corrected with Fixpak 29 (FP29).
PMMERGE.DLL was modified in FP29 to fix this problem.

File(s) needed for Fixpak:
xr_w029.1dk through xr_w029.hdk (FTP location ONLY)
PC Co BBS will be listed xr_w029 disk1 through disk17

FTP id is xr_w029 and the password is aus285.
BBS id is austin os2285 and password is aus285.

File Location:
Internet: Anonymous FTP to "testcase.software.ibm.com" (IP Address
Login with FTP userid and password as shown above.

Customers can call the IBM SDM (Service Delivery Machine) in the US at 512-823-0345, login with their own userid/password, and then enter F for file area and S to select a library. Enter the fixpak name for the area. They will be prompted for an access password--use the same password as for the PC Co BBS/Internet as shown above.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Lock-up/Hang, OS/2, Video

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PC 330, PC 350

Machine Type

6576, 6577, 6586, 6587




Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes