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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3FPM99

PCServer500 - SCO UNIX or Banyan VINES

Applicable to: World-Wide

Here is a quick overview of the problems associated with SCO and Banyan software on the PC Server 500 non-array models (8641-0YT, 8641-0YV and 8641-0Y0).

Note: Only problem Number 3 applies to Banyan VINES.

PC Server 500 Non-Array systems with SCO & Banyan Software -Fact Sheet
UNIX System V Rel 3.2 v4.2 or Open Desktop/Open Server 3.0 with AHS 3.3 or AHS 3.4 (includes SCO xhf device driver for the IBM SCSI-2 F/W Adapter).
UNIX System V Rel 3.2 v4.2 or Open Desktop/Open Server 3.0 with SLS UOD 383A (includes SCO xhf device driver for the IBM SCSI-2 F/W Adapter).

1. SCSI disk capacity is greater than 1024 MB and the system will not boot after the SCO software is installed.
This problem is caused by the O/S not recognizing that the SCSI-2 F/W Adapter changes disk geometry (hds, cyls, secs) at the 1024 MB boundary. This problem applies only to the root drive on which UNIX is to be installed.

Until a fixed driver is available, the only workaround is for the customer to replace the first (root) SCSI disk with one that is smaller than 1024 MB. Supported drives that will work are :
a. SCSI-2 Fast (narrow) 1.0 GB (Option P/N 70G8492)
b. SCSI-2 Fast/Wide 1.0 GB (Option P/N 70G9743)
c. SCSI-2 Fast (narrow) 540 MB (Option P/N 70G8491).

In addition, a PC Server Hot Swap Drive Tray (Option P/N 70G9851 for narrow SCSI drives) or a PC Server Hot Swap Drive Tray SCSI Wide (Option P/N 70G9741 for wide SCSI drives) must be used to install these drives into a PC Server 500 hot swap bay.

2. SCSI ID of root drive is not 6 and SCO software will not install.
This problem is caused by the software assuming that there will always be a SCSI ID 6 drive in the system as a root drive to install to. PC Server 500 systems have the SCSI ID of their drives determined by the hot-swap bay position. The bays are numbered 1 through 6 and are preset for SCSI IDs 0 through 5, respectively. The first drive is installed in bay 6 and therefore is ID 5. The CD-ROM drive is set at the factory to ID 6.

The workaround is to use a "bootstring" during the software installation process. This will effectively tell the O/S what the IDs are for the CD-ROM and the root disk. Note that input below is case sensitive.

If using SCO's standard product N1 diskette and AHS 3.3 or 3.4 (with the xhf driver for the SCSI-2 F/W Adapter), at the first boot prompt type:
link restart Srom=hf(0,6,0) Sdsk=hf(0,5,0) and then press enter. Type the driver name (xhf) when prompted and follow the instructions to complete the installation.
Important: Please note that SCO's IQM (Installation Query Manager) allows you to specify the ID of the CD-ROM. Do not change the ID from its default of 5 in the IQM, because the bootstrapping overrides the IQM.

If using the UOD383 supplement N1 diskette (which also contains the new xhf driver), at the first boot prompt type:
restart Srom=hf(0,6,0) Sdsk=hf(0,5,0) and then press <Enter>.
Important: Please note that SCO's IQM (Installation Query Manager) allows you to specify the ID of the CD-ROM. Do not change the ID from its default of 5 in the IQM, because the bootstrapping overrides the IQM.

Continue to follow the instructions provided with UOD383 except at step I.5.c, type the following :
fd(64)unix root=hd(40) swap=hd(41) Sdsk=hf(0,5,0)
and then press <Enter>. Complete the installation by following the remaining steps in the instructions.

3. All devices connected to the SCSI-2 F/W Adapter's ports are not seen by SCO and Banyan software.

This problem is caused by the way the IBM setup code initializes the SCSI-2 F/W Adapter and the manner in which the O/S searches the bus for SCSI devices. The PC Server 500 system setup code initializes the adapter's internal and external buses as separate entities, so that more than 7 SCSI devices can be attached to the card.

A workaround is available from IBM in the form of an new version of the SCSI-2 F/W Adapter/A's adapter description file (ADF). This ADF is to be copied to the system partition and then "Set Configuration" and "Change Configuration" should be run. The option for "Internal/External Bus Mode" should be set to "Combined". This limits the configuration to 7 SCSI devices per adapter connnected to both busses, but allows the O/S to find them all.

(New ADF = @8EFC.ADF, size = 11633, date = 9-02-94, time = 6:12a)

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IBM PC Server

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PC Server 500

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0YT; 0YV; 0Y0


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