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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3CEMJ5

IBM ValuePoint - Configuration utility program

Applicable to: World-Wide

Configuration Utility Program:
The Configuration Utility program lets you view and change important hardware configuration information. Use the Configuration Utility program to:
Restore a customized configuration when service is complete. Check the computer configuration when you get an error code and description. Check the computer hardware features, such as the amount of memory. Verify or make a change when you add a hardware option , such as a diskette drive, memory module, or math coprocessor. Verify a hardware change when you remove a hardware option. Change the computer serial and parallel port settings. Set up or change the computer password protection.

Configuration Utility Screen:
The Configuration Utility screen has two functions:
View information about how the computer hardware is set up ( hardware configuration ). Change information about certain hardware options in your computer.

The PS/ValuePoint computer displays hardware information automatically. The information you can change is enclosed in brackets:

The configuration for the following features can be changed on the screen:

Shadow BIOS in RAM:
The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) is the machine language that runs the computer. The BIOS is stored in read-only memory (ROM). The Shadow BIOS in RAM option increases the computer's performance by copying BIOS into random-access memory (RAM). Because the computer accesses RAM faster than it accesses ROM, programs run faster.
Diskette Drive (A: or B:) This option displays an entry for each diskette drive in the computer. If you add or change a diskette drive, you must select the correct diskette drive type on the Configuration Utility screen.

Power-On Password:
A power-on password restricts use of the computer. The password must be entered each time the computer is powered on. A password can be up to seven characters long (letters, numbers, or a combination of the two). After you create a password, be sure to write it down and put it in a secure place.

Startup Sequence:
When the computer starts, it looks for operating system files on a diskette and then on the hard disk. If there is a diskette in the diskette drive that does not contain the operating system files, most computers send an error message and stop operating.

The PS/ValuePoint computer, however, has a smart startup sequence that automatically looks for operating system files on the hard disk if the files are not found on a diskette.

On some models, selectable boot can be selected directly from the configuration utility screen.

Serial Port:
The computer has either one or two serial ports. Each serial port has a special address (identifying location) assigned to it. If you add adapter cards to the computer that have additional serial ports, you must ensure that each serial port has a different address. The Serial Port option lets you change the serial port addresses. If you change serial port addresses on the Configuration Utility screen, you also might need to make changes to the software. For instructions on changing the software, see the user's guide or online information that came with the software.

Parallel Port:
The computer has one parallel port with a special address (identifying location) assigned to it. If you add adapter cards to the computer that have additional parallel ports, you must ensure that each parallel port has a different address.

The Parallel Port option lets you change the parallel port addresses. If you change parallel port addresses on the Configuration Utility screen, you also might need to make changes to the software. For instructions on changing the software, see the user's guide or online information that came with the software.

Date and Time:
You can change the date and time on the computer using the Date and Time options. The changes take effect immediately.

Type the date in the format displayed on the screen. Type the time in 24-hour format. For example:

12 midnight is 00:00
12 noon is 12:00
1 p.m. is 13:00

Starting the Configuration Utility Program:
There are two ways to start the Configuration Utility program:

1. When the computer detects an error, a pop-up window displays an error code and description. Press Enter to get the Configuration Utility screen.
2. When you power-on the computer, this symbol appears in the upper-right corner of the display:

Press F1 while this symbol is displayed to get the Configuration Utility screen.

The actual Configuration Utility screen might look slightly different from the following picture, but it functions the same.

Restoring the Default Configuration:
To set the computer configuration to the default (original) settings:
For Type 6381, 6382 /S, 6384 /D, 6384 P60/D, and 6387 /T, press F5 from any Configuration Utility screen. For Type 6384 and Type 6382 325T /S, press and hold both mouse buttons, then power-on the computer. (If a mouse is not available, follow ¿2 — above to manually set the default configuration. Press Esc to save the configuration.)

Restoring a Customized Configuration:
To restore a customized configuration, follow ¿2 — above. When all selections have been made, press Esc to save the configuration.

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6381, 6382, 6384, 6387




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