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Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: SCOD-3Y6SJP

PC Server 520 EISA Non-RAID - Installing SCO OpenServer 5.0.4

Applicable to: World-Wide

The following document contains SCO OpenServer 5.0.4 installation instructions for the PC Server 520 EISA Non-RAID models.

Supported Models
8641 - EDG, EE0, EZ0, EZV, RE0, 4Y3, 5YA, 5YG

Follow the NOS instructions provided in this document sequentially unless you are instructed differently. Windows and messages might differ from those in this document.

This document contains the following:
1.0. What you will need

2.0. Where to download device drivers/files

3.0. Quick installation instructions for experienced users

4.0. Detailed installation instructions

4.1. Setting up the hardware

4.2. Setting up the BIOS

4.3. Configuring the Adaptec SCSI subsystem

4.4. Installing the NOS

1.0 What you will need

76h4892.exe (310689 bytes, 11-26-96) PC Server 520 EISA BIOS flash update diskette version 16T3C

78h6488.exe (841705 bytes, 10-17-96) PC Server 520 EISA configuration diskette version 4.02

2.0 Where to download device drivers/files
IBM BBS (U.S.): 1-919-517-0001

IBM FTP site: ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/pc_servers/

IBM U.S. web site: http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/searchfiles.html

For IBM PC sites in other countries, begin at http://www.pc.ibm.com

If you are very familiar with SCSI, hardware, and the installation process, continue with 3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users. If not, continue with 4.0 Detailed installation instructions.

3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users
1. Ensure the Adaptec controller is set up properly and low level format the drive.

2. Boot to the SCO OpenServer 5.0.4 diskette and follow normal procedures.

4.0 Detailed installation instructions
Follow the instructions below in sequence

4.1 Setting up Hardware
Note: Follow the on-screen directions on the following disk operations:
Boot to the BIOS upgrade diskette (listed in section 2.0) and flash the system to revision 16T3C.

4.2 Running EISA configuration
1. Boot to the EISA configuration diskette. (Diskette listed in section 2.0)

2. Type Y at Configure System now?.

3. Go to step 3, View or Edit Details.

4. Select Total System Memory.

5. Press Enter.

6. Select the correct memory size and press F10.

7. Press F10 again.

8. Go to Step 2, Add and Remove Boards.

9. Press Insert.

10. Press Enter.

11. Select ISA SVGA Video Card and press Enter.

12. Press Enter again.

13. Select Slot 1 and press Enter.

14. Select Step 5, Save and Exit.

4.3 Setting up the Adaptec SCSI Subsystem
Note: For open bay models or any SCSI chain setup issues, download Faxback document # 33050. (1-800-426-3395)

1. Boot the server and press Ctrl A when prompted on the screen to enter SCSI Select.

2. Select Configure/View Host Adapter Settings.

3. Press F6 to restore defaults. Select Yes to reset all options to default. Open SCSI device configuration, on the lines which say Send Start Unit Command set all IDs for active hard disks to yes.

4. Press Esc twice. Choose Yes to save any changes which are made.

5. Select SCSI Disk Utilities (A SCSI bus scan should occur).

6. For each hard drive that appears in the list perform the following:
a. Highlight the drive.
b. Select Format Disk. (Note: A status bar does not appear. Allow to run until complete.)

4.4 Installing the NOS
1. Place the SCO OpenServer Boot Diskette in drive A: and power on the server.

2. At the Boot: prompt, press Enter to continue.

3. At the prompt, Press Enter to begin installation, press Enter to continue.

4. Enter the correct values for your CD-ROM device (for example, SCSI ID) then highlight Accept above choices and press Enter to continue.

5. When prompted, insert the SCO OpenServer CD in the selected CD-ROM drive and press Enter to continue.

6. When prompted, press Enter twice to accept the default US English keyboard.

7. Enter the license number and license code provided by SCO and then continue.

8. Read licensing information and then press Enter to continue.

9. Accept default for Fresh Install. When prompted, select OK and press Enter.

10. Enter system and domain names valid for your network, and make any other desired system information changes, then highlight Accept above choices and press Enter to continue.

11. Enter system profile information then highlight Accept above choices and press Enter to continue.

12. Enter desired disk and software configuration or accept defaults, then continue.

13. Configure network adapter and other listed peripherals as appropriate. The mouse/pointing device should be set to Low resolution keyboard mouse when using the standard PS/2-port mouse. Highlight Accept above choices and press Enter to continue.

14. Enter a secure password for the system root account and continue.

15. When prompted, choose OK and press Enter to continue. SCO installation will partition the hard disk and begin to copy files. This may take a while depending on the options selected previously.

16. When the SCO file copy is complete, press Enter when the installation process prompts you. (It may prompt you twice.)

17. When the Power off or Reboot prompt appears, remove the SCO OpenServer Boot Disk and then press a key to reboot the server.

18. After SCO starts, at the Boot: prompt press Enter.

19. At the type CONTROL-D prompt press Ctrl-D.

20. Enter date and time as needed.

21. SCO will boot to X and prompt for logon.

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 520

Machine Type



EDG; EE0; EZ0; EZV; RE0; 4Y3; 5YA; 5YG


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