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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-38SGXD

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

TP 370,750,755C/CS - Prevent Trackpoint and Keyboard 8611- 8613 Errors

Applicable to: World-Wide

Trackpoint II smooth rubber caps used on the Device type models in the following list may contain an abnormally high sulfur level that can cause corrosion of the trackpoint lands on the keyboard. Sulfur, in the correct amount, is a normal part of the manufacturing process and does not cause corrosion. The corrosion caused by the high sulfur content may, over time, contribute to a keyboard malfunction that disables the trackpoint and produces an 8611 or 8613 error.

Problem Isolation Aids:

The following actions are being taken to proactivly prevent these failures.
1. The trackpoint cap kit FRU P/N84G6536 will now only contain the trackpoint III no-slip caps that are all within specifications. Trackpoint cap II kits FRU P/N54G0439 and P/N66G6444 substitute to FRU P/N84G6536.
2. Replace the smooth rubber cap with the newer no-slip trackpoint III rubber cap during any service action on the following device type models. Do not write a separate service action for cap replacement.
3. IBM is offering all ThinkPad owners (not device or model specific) a free no-slip replacement cap. The offer will be commutated via marketing outlets, mailings, and the internet.

Replacing the out of spec smooth caps will prevent future keyboard land corrosion failures.

US and Canadian Customers can obtain a cap kit by calling 1800-520-8765. Customers in other countries are advised to contact their local PC Support Centre for help.
CE's and dealers should obtain cap kits through their normal parts ordering channels.

Smooth Trackpoint Cap Replacement List:-
______________________________________________________________] 9545 ] US Model # ] Canadian Model # ]
]-------]-------------------------------]----------------------]] 750 ] 006, 008 ] 0Y6, 0C6, 0Y8, 0C8 ]
]-------]-------------------------------]----------------------]] 750C ] 306, 308, ] 3Y6, 3C6, 3Y8, 3C8 ]-------]-------------------------------]----------------------]] 750CS ] 206, 208 ] 2Y6, 2C6, 2Y8, 2C8 ]
]-------]-------------------------------]----------------------]] 750CE ] 908 ] 908, 9Y8 ]
-------]-------------------------------]----------------------]] 750P ] 40C, 40E ] 4Y6, 4Y8 ]
]-------]-------------------------------]----------------------]] 755C ] F0C, L0C, F0E, L0E, F0G, L0G ] LYG, LYE, LCE, FYC, ]
] ] ] FYE ]
]-------]-------------------------------]----------------------]] 755CS ] E0C,K0C, E0E, K0E ] EYE, EYC, ECE ]
]-------]-------------------------------]----------------------]] 370C ] Not available in U.S. ] QPC, QPD, QDD ]

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 370, ThinkPad 700, ThinkPad 750, ThinkPad 755C/CS

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