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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3DCLUF

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PC700 - Intermittent 161 POST Errors

Applicable to: World-Wide

Abstract :
Intermittent 161 POST errors on PC 700 6877/6887

Symptom :
IBM PC 700 Series 6877 & 6887 systems may exhibit a 161 POST error during installation or if the system has been removed from an AC power source for at least 90 days. A 161 POST error indicates a defective CMOS battery or a Date/Time error has occurred.

A 184 POST error indicating to the user to enter a new power-on password may also occur along with the 161 POST error.

Problem Isolation Aids :
Affected systems will exhibit 161 or 161/184 POST errors under the following conditions:

1) During the installation process at the initial power-on only. Subsequent power-on cycles DO NOT POST a 161 error after setting the Date/Time entries in the Setup Utility.

2) Systems that are placed in storage for periods exceeding 90 days (3 months) and exhibit a 161 POST error at installation.

3) Systems that are disconnected from the AC power source periodically, either via a circuit breaker or power strip and exhibit intermittent 161 POST errors.

Fix :
Perform the following step to eliminate this problem:
1) Remove the AC line cord from the wall outlet or power strip. Measure the battery voltage using a voltmeter, from the top of the battery located on the right side, center of the system board, to the chassis (ground). Pin 1 of the J15 CMOS/Password Clear jumper location, may also be used for a Ground probe point. DO NOT remove the battery from the system board to measure the battery capacity.

A good battery will measure in the range of 2.3 to 3.0 vdc.
A) If the battery voltage is higher than 2.3 vdc, it is unlikely the battery has caused the 161 or 184 POST errors. Continue with normal problem determination.

B) If the battery voltage is 2.3vdc or lower, replace the battery, FRU P/N33F8354.

SAS Keywords :
PSY2 68XX D/T68XX D/T6887
PC-700 PC700 PC 730

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Product Family

PC 700

Machine Type

6877, 6887



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