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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3LBMF4

IBM 3153 ASCII Terminal Display - Recommended setup parameters for the RS/6000

Applicable to: World-Wide

The 3153 Marketing Reference Guide (G520-9415) also contains information regarding recommended 3153 setup parameters for RS/6000 attachment.

It is available via the IBM PSG Fax System:
- call 1-800-IBM-3395 (U.S. only.)
- call 1-919-517-0011 (Worldwide - enter country code.)
and request document #10005.

By IBM Fax Service:
- call 1-800-IBM-4FAX and request document #5704 (U.S. only.)

Note: The IBM 3153 Factory Default Setup Values were selected based on RS/6000 attachment.

The following are some key 3153 setup values for RS/6000 attachment:
Auto Wrap = On
Enter Key = Return
Recv <CR> = <CR>
Turnaround Character = <CR>

Key 3153 Setup Values for RS/6000 Attachment:
- Auto Wrap determines what the cursor does when it reaches the right margin:
- Recommend Auto Wrap=On.
- If Auto Wrap=Off, the cursor will not move to the next row, first column. The 3153 displays a single row of data. - Recv <CR> determines what the cursor does when it receives a <CR> character:
- Recommend Recv <CR>=<CR>
- If Recv <CR>=<CR><LF>, the 3153 will have extra blank lines, rows of data.
- Enter Key (numeric keypad) determines what the Enter does:
- Recommend Enter Key=Return
- If Enter=Send, the Enter Key performs that same function as the Send (key below the right shift).
- Turnaround Character determines what character is used in conjunction with various Function Keys (F1, F3, F12).
- Recommend Turnaround Character=<CR>
- If Turnaround Character=<ETX> or <EOT> or <DC3>, many of the function keys will not work.

Key RS/6000 Items:
- AIX System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) allows the user to customize the TTY (TeleType) ports. Use SMIT to customize the TTY port: Speed (baud rate), Parity, Emulation.
- AIX Terminfo file determine what command the AIX application can send to the 3153 and determines what ASCII sequences are sent by the 3153 keys (function, insert, delete, enter, print, backtab).

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