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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3D3JJV

Servers - Insufficient Memory with CHKDSK

Applicable to: World-Wide

Abstract :
Insufficient Memory Error with CHKDSK

Symptom :
PC Servers with a disk partition of 17GB or larger may receive an insufficient memory error while running CHKDSK.
CHKDSK may fail to complete (hang) when run on a large disk partition. The system may hang with only a partial error message displayed on the monitor. For example, the error message "HFS #####" may be displayed as "H" due to the hang.

Problem Isolation Aids :
- The system is a PC Server with an IBM RAID adapter.
- The Operating System is OS/2 2.11, 2.11 SMP, 3.0, 4.0 or Warp Server.
- CHKDSK is run on a disk partition of 17GB or larger.

Fix :
Do not replace any hardware; this is a software error.
NOTE: CHKDSK runs for a long time on large partitions; it is NOT unusual for CHKDSK to run for 90 minutes or longer on a 17GB partition. CHKDSK may still be running even though it appears to be hung, so allow enough time for it to complete.

Follow this procedure as a work-around:
1. Make a backup of the CONFIG.SYS file.
2. Edit the CONFIG.SYS file and remove the drive letter causing the error/hang from the AUTOCHECK parameter in the IFS (Install File System) statement.
IFS=C: OS2 HPFS.IFS /CACHE:1024 /CRECL:64 /AUTOCHECK:CD <--drive letter
3. Restore data from a current backup.

For additional information refer to OS/2 defect 155730 and/or APAR PJ18004.

SAS Keywords :
D/T8642 D/T8650 300 310
320 325 330 500
520 704 720 H
HFS 06H3059 92F0335 06H5078
76H6875 32H3811 D/T8640 D/T9595
9595 8640 8641 8642

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Retain, Memory

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 300, PC Server 310, PC Server 320, PC Server 325, PC Server 330, PC Server 500, PC Server 520, PC Server 704, PC Server 720, Server 95

Machine Type

8640, 8639, 8641, 8650, 8642, 9595



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