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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-43WNEG

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

TP 1400 - Incorrect display size for the model type 450

Applicable to: Canada, United States

A small number of systems were manufactured with the wrong size LCD bezel (ie. a bezel for 12.1" LCD was installed over a 13.1" LCD). This tip is to help you identify a system with this issue.

Display size is too small (12.1" versus 13.3").
Display area cannot be entirely viewed.

1. Have the customer measure the size of the LCD. They should measure from corner to corner along the diagonal.


Diagonal measurement


~ 12.1"


~ 13.3"

If the display measures 12.1" on a model 450, proceed to the next steps.

2. Check the display type.


Display type


Laptop Display Panel (800x600)


Laptop Display Panel (1024x768)

Make sure the system is to the 1024x768 display type.

3. Check the resolution setting.

Make sure the display is set to 1024x768. Check if part of the desktop is not viewable (ie. icons, taskbar, etc.)

4. Change the resolution to 800x600.

If the display is slightly distorted (due to screen expansion) and part of the desktop is still not viewable, then the system has the wrong bezel over the
correct LCD.

Replace the LCD Bezel with the FRU part number 05K5675 for the "LCD BEZEL Assembly 13.3 inch" as indicated in the 2611 i series 1400 IBM Mobile Systems Hardware maintenance Manual, November 1998. The HMM P/N is S10L-9952-00. The correct bezel FRU part number is found on page 86 at the bottom of the page item no. 1.

Refer to the Hardware Maintenance Manual for ALL FRU part sub-assembly instructions and FRU part listings.

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad i Series 1400

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