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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-38QHGY

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IBM PS/2/Servers - New version of SCSI adapter with cache is now available

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
A new version of the SCSI Adapter with cache is now being shipped with PS/2 products. Orders for the original FRU P/N85F0000 will automatically substitute to the new FRU (P/N 85F0063).

The new version is functionally equivalent to the earlier version with the following changes:
1. The termination scheme has changed and is now the same as used on the SCSI adapter without cache memory. There is a 20-Pin terminator module installed in a socket near the external SCSI Bus connector (refer to the diagram below). The external terminator (FRU P/N33F8464) is no longer required, and is not supplied with this option, or with products which use this adapter as a standard feature. Termination of this adapter is accomplished when the 20 PIN T-RES module is inserted in its socket. (This module is usually orange in colour) The T-RES module is to be removed from the adapter if both internal and external devices are attached to the adapter. In this situation, the SCSI bus is terminated at the last device on the internal cable and the last device on the external cable. The terminator module should be left in place if either the internal or external SCSI bus is unused.

The termonator module may be removed and the "old style" external terminator used, if available and required by a customer that "migrates" external SCSI devices between systems. The "old style" terminator must not be used if the T-RES module is inserted in its socket and there are devices attached to the internal SCSI bus, as this causes "Double Termination" and probable system failures.
_________ __ ________________ ____________________________________
| |_| |_|Internal Bus |__| |_
| _________ _ | |
| |_________|<--Cache Terminator-->| | | | Ext.
| _________ Memory Module |_| | | Bus
| |_________|<-- | |
| |_|
| IBM FRU FRU PN/N85F0063 _____ |
|-------------|______||___||______________| |_____|

2. This adapter will support SCSI Fixed Disks greater than 1 GB. To support these high capacity devices, the BIOS code on the Adapter has been modified to allow twice as many heads and sectors as previously used.

The terminator module, FRU P/N57F2870, is also used on the SCSI adapter without cache.

No functional operational problems will be experienced by:
a. Users of Novell 3.11* with any size disks(s) and using Novell's utilities to prepare the disk rather than DOS.
b. Users of operating systems which do not use BIOS, such as UNIX, XENIX, and IBM's AIX etc.
c. Users of DOS and OS/2, and other operating systems which use BIOS, and Fixed DIsks of less than or equal to 1 Gigabyte (set and view SCSI configuration should show 1024 cylinders or less.).

If replacing the earlier version adapter with the new version, the following problems may be encountered on fixed disks larger than 1 Gigabyte.
a. Non-IML systems with Fixed Disk "C" greater than 1 Gigabyte, formatted /S with the early version SCSI adapter with cache (old version of BIOS) will experience "Unable To Boot Operating System" message. This is because the IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM (hidden files) are placed in absolute positions on the Fixed Disk, not relative. If a boot from a DOS diskette is done, Drive "C" is still accessible. A backup of the Fixed Disk should be done, then a low-level Format, followed by an operating system format. This will reorganise the Fixed Disk with the new version BIOS on the new SCSI adapter.
b. Full capacity of greater than 1 Gigabyte will not be accessible on Fixed Disks which were originally attached to the old version SCSI adapter with Cache until the Fixed Disk is operating system formatted, (DOS, OS/2, etc) by the new version adapter (new BIOS code).

Novell and Netware are registered trademarks of Novell Inc.

PSY2FDSK D/T8550 D/T8555 D/T8560
D/T8565 D/T8570 D/T8580 D/T8590
D/T8595 D/T9557 D/T9556 D/T9577
PSY2SYSADPT D/T9595 D/T9590 D/T9595A

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Adapter Cards, SCSI

Date Created


Last Updated


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Product Family

PS/2, Server 85, Server 95

Machine Type

9556, 9557, 9585, 9595, 8550, 8555, 8560, 8565, 8570, 8580, 8595, 9590



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