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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: PMYS-3PUKSX

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

Aptiva - 2159 Considerations - Index

Applicable to: World-Wide

- ATI Drivers: Microsoft Direct X 2 will corrupt ATI Drivers
- ATI Drivers: Letter & resume' wizards leave a remnant when creating a document
- CD Extra
- Distorted video in Lost Mind of Dr. Brain if using autoplay
- Internet Connection Phone
- KidÆs Room: Icons show path on flyover for added games.
- Kid's Room: No Mouse during introduction to Kid's Room
- Screen Savers
- Update Connector
- Windows 95: Diagnostics
- Windows 95: Secondary IDE controller has conflicts
- WorldÆs Easiest Personal Image Bundle

Additional Technical Limitations:

Aptiva Helper
Bat files links off in How Do I Helps
In How Do I Helps, there are 8 bad links in 6 files about Rapid Resume. The links lead to the Rapid Resume setup screens.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Open Aptiva Helper
2. Choose section 3, Questions?
3. Choose How Do I?
4. Choose How Do I configure Rapid Resume?
5. Choose any link that will take you to the Rapid Resume Programs outside the Aptiva Helper.
No errors are shown, but the link will not work.

Start Rapid Resume Manager from the Desktop instead of within Helper.

Audio CD
Effects do not work with audio CD.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
Effects do not work with audio CD (treble/bass control).

ATI Drivers
MPEG Video Playback Distorted
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. After a Rapid Resume, run an MPEG video.
2. The video is sometimes distorted.
3. The distortion looks like the video is reversed left to right. (The right half will be on the left and the left on the right, with a break in the middle.) Also, one half may be distorted. With Silent Steel this occurred when the video was windowed then brought back to full screen.

1.Reboot without using Rapid Resume. The ATI 3.0 Drivers will also correct the problem.
51068 48623 52293
Note: We are not shipping Silent Steel.

Bass and treble effects will not work on CD Audio.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes
Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Open AudioStation
2. In the CD Player, change the volume levels of the bass and treble effects.
3. The volume will not change.

Son of stealth

CD Extra
End task menu is effected by CD extra
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No
Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Run CD Extra.
2. Hit Ctl-Alt-Del to get the End Task Menu.
3. The colors will be black and white. Only one app is able to control the palette at a time.

To get around this problem, hit WIN95 ctrl+esc(brings up taskbar) and now hit alt+ctrl+del. This will now show the correct colors(blue/white). Buttons are in the right colors!

Cannot use the microphone in CoolTalk App.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
Stealth preloads NetScape 2.0. Cooltalk is an Internet Phone application offered for free by NetScape. A user can easily go to the NetScape download site and download Cooltalk. The user can establish a Voice connection with another party, but he cannot talk with them. When he depresses the mic button to engage the mic, the mic dies.

Use Internet Connection Phone (IC Phone).

Device Manager
Conflict of the PCI Driver in Device Manager
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
In device manager, one of the PCI Drivers will come up with an exclamation mark. It will not affect the system.

Great Word Adventure
Lose all WAV sound after full install of Great Word Adventure
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes (intermittent)
Son Of Stealth: Yes

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Install GWA to d:\gwa - Full Install
2. Start GWA - Music plays but when the characters speak you cannot hear them
3. Play WAV files from AudioStation and Media Player - you cannot hear them.

Reinstall the Mwave Drivers through Aptiva Installer.

Great Word Adventure and Tuneland
Volume controls in game not functioning
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
Volume controls not functioning in great word adventure and tuneland bundled apps.

Use the volume controls on the monitor.

IBM Online HouseCall
Problem with Win95 video drivers
Billable Status: Free FYI
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Load IBM Online HouseCall.
2. Play a video puzzle.
3. An error message appears stating, "Your display driver is not Windows compatible . DirectDraw only supports Window95 compatible drivers".
4. In that window if I click OK, it plays the puzzle but the quality of the video puzzle is unacceptable.

1.Cold boot the system after loading IBM Online HouseCall. The problem will disappear after a cold boot.

IBM Online HouseCall
macxw4.drv GPF transferring files in IBM Online HouseCall
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
In Online HouseCall, a Teladdin equipped computer connecting to another Teladdin computer will GPF in macxw4.drv when a file transfer is attempted.

Use the Mwave Modem to connect to a customer with a Teladdin modem.

IBM Registration
Please enter your country message in registration.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
The first time in registration, fill out the first page but don't touch the top-right 'country' field. An error message will appear stating ôplease select your countryö, but United States is pre-selected in the entry field-part of the country field.

User must drop the list down, select U.S., and it works.

Jungle Book
Jungle Book volume control (sound slider) has no effect
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes
Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. To access the sound settings panel, click on the ear icon in the lower left corner of the main menu.
2. There are two sliders: one for sound and one for music. The music slider actually controls MIDI music and this game has 3 MIDI small clips (most music is actually in the AVI file with the video so it can only be controlled through the sound slider).

Disable the MIDI Port to get the music slider to work properly, or use the volume controls on the monitor.

Jungle Book
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
Jungle-Book does not support uninstall. It cannot be uninstalled through Aptiva Installer or Add/Remove Programs.

Jungle Book-running two instances creates error message
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
Running two instances of jungle book will produce an error message: iccwinsrv:shared mem map failed on state buffer. It does not effect the previous running instance of this game and you can close it with no problems.

Close Jungle Book. Only run it once.

Lost Mind of Dr. Brain
GPF in Lost Mind of Dr. Brain with RingCentral up
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
Start Lost Mind of Dr. Brain while receiving a fax in RingCentral and the following error occurs.:
DRBRAIN3 caused a GPF in module DRBRAIN3.EXE at 0004:0000094c. The mouse is not visible in either application.
1. Open RingCentral
2. Click on dial
3. Click on hangup
4. Click on receive fax
5. Start Lost Mind of Dr. Brain

Close Lost mind Of Dr. Brain before receiving a fax.

Can't play MIDI file while MechWarrior2 is running
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Run Mech Warrior.
2. Minimize it and open AudioStation, MIDI Player.
3. Play a MIDI file.
4. The following error occurs:
"MIDI Mapper: MMSYSTEM004 The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free and then try again."
"MIDI Orchestrator: Selected MIDI configuration is not responding. Would you like to change it?"

Play a MIDI file and then start MW2, you can hear both at the same time and MW2 plays without problems.

Mech Warrior
Mech Warrior locks up when suspending
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Start Mech Warrior.
2. Go to the Jade Falcon Section.
3. Suspend.
4. The machine will lock up.

Turn the machine off. Do not suspend from the Jade Falcon side of Mech Warrior. The Wolf Clan side will suspend properly.

Mech Warrior 2
Mech Warrior 2 will not schedule to start
Billable Status: Fee
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate :
1. Schedule Mech Warrior to start.
2. Insert the Cd into the drive before the scheduled start time.
Place the CD in the drive when it asks for it and it will schedule to start.

Mech Warrior and Creative Writer
Darkened screen and Alt Tab problem in Mech Warrior and Creative Writer
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
With Mech Warrior 2 and Creative Writer running at the same time when you Alt Tab from Mech Warrior to Creative Writer, Creative Writer becomes blackened. Happens all over but mainly in initial start up of both clan halls and first screen. Also it takes 2 Alt Tabs to go from Mech Warrior to Creative Writer.

The Creative Writer application is a Windows 3.1 application, and not designed to properly multi-task in a Windows '95 environment. Future versions of Creative Writer will be ported to Windows '95, and will probably react differently to multi-tasking issues.

The middle button of the infrared mouse will not work.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
During first boot, the Microsoft drivers are installed instead of the infrared (cordless) mouse drivers.

Go through Aptiva Installer and uninstall then reinstall the drivers using the diagnostics and utilities CD.

Mouse Driver
MouseWare in the Aptiva Installer is the mouse driver.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate:
1. Open Control Panel.
2. The mouse driver is called "Mouse" and the icon is a computer mouse.
3. Open Aptiva Installer.
4. It is called "MouseWare" and the icon is a purple creature.
This is the mouse driver for either mouse, the infrared or the standard.

Video and Speech are out of phase in Video CD Player.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Go to Start / Programs/Aptiva Entertainment/ Video CD Player.
2. Play a Video CD.
When playing the Video CD, the video and the speech is out of synchronization. Video is ahead of speech. Workaround:
Select track or frames instead of time.

MPEG screen does not appear after running QuickTime.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
When open the MPEG file after running Movie File (QuickTime .MOV file), MPEG screen will not come out and screen turns to Pink.
This problem does not happen if 16M color is selected. This symptom will last until rebooting the system.
Problem reproduction:
1. Load QuickTime 2.03
2. Use PLAYER.EXE to play a .mov file
3. Use MPLAYER.EXE to play .mpg file -> video window shows color key only
4. To get Mpeg to work, you must restart the machine.

Use 16 million colors.

MWave - Uninstall
Mwave uninstall/install changes AUTOEXEC.BAT
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
When you use the 0t diagnostic & utility CD to uninstall and then reinstall your Stingray drivers the AUTOEXEC.BAT file is changed as shown below. This change causes several Aptiva applications not to run. Note that IBMTOOLS is deleted in one area. This is needed to run several Aptiva applications. Path statements are moved around.

Before Mwave Uninstall/Install is run...
REM The following is used by DOS games to recognize Sound Blaster hardware.
REM If hardware settings are changed, please change this line as well.
REM See the Mwave README file for instructions.

After Mwave Uninstall/Install is run.........
REM The following is used by DOS games to recognize Sound Blaster hardware.
REM If hardware settings are changed, please change this line as well.
REM See the Mwave README file for instructions.
The Mwave drivers on Update Conector will correct the problem.

Can't hear Midiplayer MIDI file while in Internet Connection Problem
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
There are not enough resources to have a 28.8 connection and play MIDI at the same time.

Multiplayer Nascar session results in DOS Trap
Playing Nascar in high resolution mode will generate a DOS Trap when modems are attempting to connect. Works for a while in low resolution but did trap after a while and another time also dropped carrier.
Billable Status: Fee
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Go to a command line.
2. Type Nascar -h
Change to low resolution.

Note: We are not shipping this application.

Personal Journal
Personal Journal causes and illegal operation error
Billable Status: Free for information on how to fix.
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
Open Personal Journal and connect.
Minimize it and then shut down.
The following error occurs:
"PJ caused an exception 6bfH in module KERNAL32.DLL at 03f7:bff9a07c"

Close the application before shutting down the computer.

Printed FAX shifted on the page
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Receive a FAX
2. View it with the viewer program.
3. Note the position of the FAX relative to the page.
4. Print the FAX.
5. Note the position of the fax relative to the page. The printed fax will be shifted down and to the right about 1/2 inch.

Use the Update Connector to get the patch

The receiver hears one extra ring.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate:
RingCentral, when configured to use toll saver, will ring 1 to 3 rings after the specified number of rings.
1. Select options from the RingCentral menu
2. Click on the 'answering' page tab
3. Set ' after -- rings if there are no new messages' to 4
4. Set ' after -- rings if there are new messages waiting' to 2
5. Set 'Turn on after -- rings if Answering Machine was off' to 10
6. Click on OK
7.Dial into RingCentral

The person making the call hears the correct number of rings. The calling party hears 1 extra ring than specified in RingCentral. If RingCentral is set to 4 rings, you will hear 5 rings on the calling side.

Phone book entry picture color gets corrupted/inverted
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Start RingCentral
2. Click on Dialing button.
3. Create several entries in Phone Books with pictures chosen out of the C:\WINDOWS directory.
4. Each time an entry is edited the previous pictures are more distorted. There is no fix at this time.

Ring Central
RingCentral does not filter phone log by last Name
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
RingCentral will not filter the phone log by last Name. It will show up with an empty list.

1. Make and receive phone calls using RingCentral
2. Check the phone log by clicking on 'Dialing' and then on 'Log'
3. Click on the 'Filter' button
4. Enter a last Name in the 'Last Name' field that appears in the log
5. Click on 'OK'

RingCentral will not show you the item in the log you requested even though you entered the last Name.

Filter by First Names.

RingCentral and Mwave
RingCentral and Mwave After Rapid Resume Problem
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes
After Rapid Resume, Stingray will not release the line. The customer will receive an MWAVE Error:
MWME0001: Mwave Internal Error
Primary Code: 1(0x0001)
Secondary Code: 15(0x000F)
Line: 4610

Even after restarting RingCentral, the Stingray will not release line. The system must be rebooted to recover control.

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Make or Receive a call or fax.
2. While phone line is STILL IN USE with call or fax, Click "START" then "SUSPEND" to have system suspend.
3. Turn system back on, wait for desktop to appear. Notice that RingCentral still displays the previous call information and shows that the line is still open. "HANGUP" button doesn't work.
4. Hidden behind RingCentral will be the Mwave error. There is an icon on the task bar to bring focus to the error.

Reboot the system. Release the phone line before a suspend.

Disconnect if no handshake value cannot be changed
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
RingCentral allows the user to set the Disconnect if no handshake in xx seconds. Stingray is set to 60 sec and cannot be changed.
1. Select Menu, Options, Fax
2. Then change Disconnect if no handshake in xx seconds.
3. The value will stay at 60 seconds.

RingCentral install deletes folder contents
Choosing a folder other than the default folder, will result in the folder's existing icons to be deleted. For example, the Aptiva Productivity folder contains icons other than Aptiva Communications. If a user chooses to place the RingCentral icons in the Aptiva Productivity folder (on install/reinstall) all the existing icons will be deleted and replaced by the RingCentral icon and the Uninstall icon.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes
Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1.Reinstall RingCentral through the Aptiva Installer.
2.When it asks for the folder, choose a folder besides the default.

When installing/reinstalling RingCentral choose the default RingCentral folder or to place into an empty folder. This will happen with all applications which use InstallShield as their installer.

RingCentral doesn't receive a FAX when playing Monuments
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
RingCentral doesn't receive a FAX when playing Monuments MPEG Video. The Phone will answer, but hangs up after 30 seconds or so without switching over to FAX mode.

Closing Monuments allows the FAX to be received.

Adding multiple documents to one Fax On Demand Access Code
In RingCentral's 'Setup Fax On Demand Document' dialog, the user has to click the information button before the user can add additional documents to a fax.
Billable Status: Fee to walk customer through workaround.
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate:
1. Click on 'Greetings' in RingCentral.
2. Click on the 'Fax on Demand' tab.
3. If there are no 'Fax on Demand' documents, then create one.
4. After you have created a fax document, click on the 'Edit...' button.

The 'Setup Fax On Demand' dialog screen comes up with the following buttons on top:

To add another document to this fax document:
5. Click the 'Info...' button
6. Click the 'Documents' button at the bottom left of the dialog

Setup for pager support with PINs in RingCentral
Billable Status: Fee to help with the setup or information on how to get it to work.
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate:
The pager function in RingCentral has a field for a pager number but fails to give you an additional field for PIN numbers.

The existing RC will work with pin pagers.

For RingCentral to work with PINs, place commas (,) after the 1-800 number to tell RC to pause for x seconds before dialing the pin. Then use the delay after dialing to pause x seconds for the numeric message to be entered.
Note: A comma is equal to waiting for 2 seconds.

VOD plays prompt rather than document
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
Using VOD with one VOD document and prompt, code 101. If a user calls, dials 01 to get to VOD, then enters 101 when the greeting says "dial the document number to hear the document now", the prompt is played rather than the document itself. If the user waits through the prompt, he will then be prompted to press 4 to hear the document.

Billable Status: Fee to correct
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
When dialing from the phonebook, if there is a "9" entered in the Setup Wizard's 'outside access number' field, RC will always dial the 9 for an outside line, even if the number in the phonebook is an internal extension.

Run Setup Wizard and remove the ô9ö.

Terra Nova
Terra Nova Game has Palette Shift
Billable Status: Fee
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
When starting the Terra Nova game, the palette shifts on the words 'Terra Nova' during one of the opening screens. The palette may stay shifted in following screens.

The documentation with the game gives a switch that solves the problem. The game must be invoked with the +BADPALDAC option. So, invoke as C:>\TNOVA\TN +BADPALDAC

Triple Play Plus
Error scheduling Triple Play Plus
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
When scheduling Triple Play Plus the following error occurs:
Cannot find file - STARTUP.IWM --- Error 22009
TriplePlay cannot find the files it needs because the Scheduler does not setup the TriplePlay working directory.

TriplePlay Plus does not support scheduler.

Aptiva Installer could not uninstall Triple Play
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
Triple Play cannot be uninstalled.

Update Connector/ Rapid Resume
Autosuspend hoses update connector
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate:
1. Start Update Connector
2. Hit RR Suspend at the start of the program -- no problem, restores fine
3. Hit RR Suspend during running of the recognizers or download of fixes -- doesn't restore correctly.

The modem is monitored by default. One thing to be careful of is that modem monitoring is only for the standard COM ports. (3f8/2f8,IRQ4;3e8/2e8,IRQ3). So, given the following assumptions and the fact that the user should expect to have the connection closed if RR is performed while connected.

Video becomes corrupt during the mission
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: Yes
Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. During a mission minimize mechwarrior to the task bar using alt-tab.
2. Use the mouse to continue playing.
3. A white vertical strip of corrupt video appears stretching about 3/4 the size of the screen. The corrupt video appears somewhat randomly.

This only occurs when the animated window spin up feature is activated.

Open Aptiva Desktop Customization from the System Tray.
Uncheck animated window spin up and click ok.
Toggle from Mech Warrior to Win95 and back again, the trash generally clears. (The trash occurs on about 20% of toggles.) (Will be corrected by the ATI 3.0 Drivers.)

Video Puzzle: GPF Message when Leaving Application
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
When the Video Puzzle is invoked from its icon under Aptiva Entertainment, it gives a GPF error when exiting out. The error states USER.EXE - This program has performed an illegal operation This does not happen every time. A lock up does NOT occur. This does not happen when the video puzzle is invoked from Media Player.
More information - the problem only occurs when
1. Video Puzzle is closed using File/Exit; not the upper-right X, or by double-clicking the upper right corner.
2. Video Puzzle is closed two or more times between boots (i.e. the problem doesn't occur the first time you close Video Puzzle after a boot).
3. The exit occurs less that 30 seconds after the app is opened. Also, this problem occurs on Fearless with C1R and on Gallant with COU.

Use the upper right hand X to close the video puzzle.

Video extremely slow
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
Mpeg video is extremely slow and jerky, and the sound is out of sync.

Video CD glitching is a result of constant Windows 95 polling of the Zip drive. Windows 95 device drivers poll any removable media device every 0.5 seconds to check for disk status. Model C6Z is shipped with the Zip drive as Master and the CDROM as the Slave on the secondary IDE port. When playing a Video CDs the bandwidth is exceeded because the Zip drive is polled simultaneously. The VideoCD glitching can be corrected by moving the Zip drive to the primary IDE port, however both hard disk drive and Zip drive performance may be slower in this configuration.

1. Move jumper setting on the Zip drive from Master to Slave as shown:
o o o
o o o
| | --->
o o o
o o o
Master Slave
2. Move the jumper setting of the CDROM drive from Slave to Master as shown:
o o o
o o o
| --->
o o o
o o o Slave Master

3. Move the Zip drive from the secondary IDE port the primary IDE port. The Zip drive is now a Slave to the hard disk drive.
4. Reboot system and accept configuration changes in IBM Surepath Utility.

Voice Type Control
VTC creates title bar which covers audio controls
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No
Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Open Voice Type Control,
2. Open AudioStation.
3. A blue title bar will appear in AudioStation covering some of the controls.

Close Voice Type Control.

Wall Street Money
Loss of carrier in Wall Street Money with RingCentral minimized
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Download stock/security from Wall street Money with RingCentral minimized.
2. The Wall Street money Dials, it makes connection but after 1-2 seconds it loses carrier.

Workaround: When using Wall Street, close all other applications up which use the comport. This will cause unexpected results.

WinFax Pro - Not supported by us, it is not on the preload.
Delrina Winfax Pro 4.0 won't install
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: No
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
Delrina Winfax Pro 4.0 is not supported in an Sxx machine.

The customer will need to upgrade to version 7.0 to work with windows 95.

WorldÆs Easiest Personal Image Bundle
Buttons cut off after Rapid Resume in 640x480
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
After Rapid Resume, the Win95 taskbar cuts off the control buttons along the bottom of the screen in 640X480 mode. Most importantly the QUIT button.

If you can see the top of the button, then click on it and it will function. You will not be able to read the writing on the button.

WorldÆs Greatest Monuments
Can't schedule Monuments
Billable Status: Fee to fix
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
Can't schedule Monuments to run World's greatest monuments won't start from the Scheduler. The working directory incorrect.

The workaround for this is to create a BAT file with the following lines...
and choose it to run from the scheduler.

WorldÆs Greatest Monuments
There is a problem with one of the videos.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. Start World's Greatest Monuments.
2. Look at the Tower of London click on the video camera icon to see video.
3. Watch all of the video.
4. Towards the end of the video you will see a pink line flash across the screen.
There is not a fix for this at this time.

Zip Drive
Blue Screen Error when Zip Disk Ejected during Resume
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. With a Zip disk installed, double click on the Zip 100 icon to display the file information.
2. Clear the file information window, then Suspend.
3. During Resume, eject the Zip disk.
4.After the Resume completes, double click on the Zip icon again. A blue screen appears with the following error message:

Error Reading Disk in Drive D:

Please Insert Disk ZIP_TOOLS__
With Serial Number 30D4-1604 in Drive D:
Press Enter for OK or Esc to Cancel: OK

Do not eject the disk during a Resume.
Note: Zip model C6Z will ship with rapid resume disabled.
Pubs will explain that "auto power off" does not work with rapid resume enabled. A label will be placed over the energy star logo on the shipping carton.

Zip Drive
Blue Screen Error when Zip Drive is Empty
This is very similar to the Resume bug, but I can produce the blue screen error without doing Suspend/Resume.
Billable Status: Free
Technical Limitation: Yes
Son Of Stealth: No

Steps to Replicate Technical Limitation:
1. With a Zip disk installed, double click on the Zip icon to display the file information.
2. Eject the disk. When you clear the drive D: window and click on the Zip icon again, the same file information appears.
3. Double click on one of the folders in the drive D: window. The blue screen error message appears. If you clear it by pressing Esc, it asks you if you want to format the disk.

Be sure there is a disk in the Zip Drive before accessing the Zip Drive.

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IBM Aptiva

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S64; 13R; S66; 14R; S74; 15R; S76; 20R; S7H; 19R; S78; 16R; S80; 17R; S90; 18R; B60; B65; B75; B80; B85; B95


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