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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-38ABV4

IBM PC730/PC750 - Beep code indicating video error with Image Adapter/A card

Applicable to: World-Wide

Symptom :
IBM PC 700 Series 6876 and 6886 Micro Channel systems may exhibit a 1 long, 3 short Beep code during POST indicating that there is video error if the system is equipped with one display attached to an IBM Image Adapter/A card.

Problem Isolation Aids :
With the primary display attached to the Image Adapter/A card, there is no visible display during POST or when the operating system starts to IPL. A visible image is only displayed after the operating system has loaded the Image Adapter/A device drivers. The display operates normally after the device drivers are loaded.

Fix :
The IBM Image Adapter/A card was not tested for standalone operation on the PC 700 Micro Channel systems. The Image Adapter/A was intended to be used as the secondary display adapter in conjunction with the S3 864 video chipset on the system board for high resolution and text display, not primary operation. The operating system must also have the capability of supporting two displays such as OS/2.

During POST, the system checks the bus for a video adapter card and returns a 1 long, 3 short Beep code if the display is attached to the Image Adapter/A card and no display is attached to the system board video port.

To bypass the error indication during POST, perform either of the following steps:

1) Install a video connector terminator on the system board SVGA port (purchase locally). This will allow the system to display POST status and operating system startup.

2) Enable the "Bypass system programs on error" feature in the Configuration Menu.

Note - Using option #2 will disable all error messages including the 1 long, 3 short beep code during POST. This setting will not allow the User to view the operating system startup until the Image Adapter/A device drivers are loaded.

SAS Keywords :
PSY2ERR D/T6886 6886 D/T6885
D/T6875 6876 6885 6875
PC750 PC730 D/T68XX*

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Adapter Cards, Retain, Video

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PC 730, PC 750

Machine Type

6876, 6886




Retain Tip (if applicable)


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