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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DJON-3FPMAS

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Crossbrand - NetFinity Process Manager cannot set alert for single name processes

Applicable to: World-Wide

Process Manager cannot generate an alert for the kernel processes that start under Windows NT, even though the NT Task Manager shows quite clearly that a change has occurred. Do I have to put something special in the process name so that NetFinity's Process Manager can recognize them?

Once NFPROC.DLL loads, which happens when the NetFinity Support program inits, it sits in memory and attaches a handle to any other processes that start after it does. This handle allows it to detect when a process has ended. Processes that start before the NFPROC load cannot be detected, since a handle has not been attached to them.

NOTE: There is NO work around for this and there will be no versions of NetFinity that will support it.

Search Keywords

Miscellaneous, NetFinity

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Netfinity Manager

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IBM PC Server

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Systems Management

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