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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3VHGL2

Netfinity3500 - Power supply may latch-off running 230VAC

Applicable to: World-Wide

- The system does not power up when the On/Off power switch is actuated.

- Removal and re-attachment of the power cable may result in power up of the system when the power switch is actuated.

- The system is any model Netfinity 3500 server Type 8644 supplied with 230VAC power.

- The system contains any of the following power supplies with the respective Barcode Header Codes:

The barcode label is located on the power supply and lists a header code as follows:

- The system experiences one or both of the symptoms described (in the Symptoms Section of this document) in a frequent OR infrequent manner.

IF the system meets all the criteria listed in the "Problem Isolation Aids" section of this document, replace the power supply with either of the following power supplies:
FRU p/n01K9866 (with Header Code J15D1)
FRU p/n01K9858 (with Header Code J15D0)

Note: The Netfinity 3500 server power supply is NOT a Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU), thus requiring replacement by an IBM Authorized Servicer.

Customers may contact their local Dealer or call:
1-800-IBM-SERVE for Service by a Authorized IBM Servicer.

Recent ongoing testing at IBM has determined a limited quantity of power supplies used in the Netfinity 3500 server enter a
"Latch-Off state when supplied with 230VAC resulting in the power supply not powering-up the system when the Power On/Off
switch is actuated. This may occur infrequently and is limited to power supplies that have Header Codes listed in the "Problem Isolation Aids" section of this document.

World-Wide FRU stock has been purged of the suspect power supplies.

NOTE: Systems powered with 120VAC are NOT affected.

PSY2, D/T8644, 3500, POWER, FAILURE, 01K9866, 01K9858, 12J6001, SUPPLY, 230, VAC, UNCLASSIFIED, H163901

Search Keywords

PSY2, D/T8644, 3500, POWER, FAILURE, 01K9866, 01K9858, 12J6001, SUPPLY, 230, VAC, UNCLASSIFIED, H163901

Hint Category

Power, Retain

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3500

Machine Type





Retain Tip (if applicable)


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and Admin Purposes

USA=A, EMA=A, AFE=A, Date created: O98/06/11, Date last altered: A98/06/11, Owning B.U.: USA