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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DSHY-3QKSXP

TP General - Windows NT Event 7023/7001 Error Message

Applicable to: World-Wide

Event 7023
The server service terminated with the following error: not enough server storage is available to process this command.

There will also be a secondary message:

Event 7001
The Computer Browser service depends on the Server service which failed to start because of the following error: not enough server storage is available to process this command.

The problem can also manifest itself as inability to browse the network, even if you can connect (i.e. ping works, but cannot use Network Neighborhood.) In services, the browser service will not be started. The above message will be in event viewer in this case as well.

Any machine loaded with Windows NT with service paks applied.

The problem is caused by installing networking components AFTER applying a service pack, and not reapplying the service pack. In fact, at the end of the service pack install, you receive a message, "If you change or add any components to your system, you will need to reapply the Service Pack," but it's easy to overlook.

The fix is to reapply the service pack. The relevant Technet article is Q151427.

Cardsoft drivers notes:
If the customer is using cardsoft drivers, and the cardsoft patch has already been applied, you do NOT need to reapply it again. When you reapply the service pack, it will prompt you whether you want to overwrite your oem version of pcmcia.sys--answer NO. (This is also in the readme for the cardsoft patch.) This way you keep the cardsoft pcmcia.sys and avoid the blue stop screen.

If the customer isn't sure if the patch is applied, i.e. dealer or i/s department set up the system, you can search for the patch files. The cardsoft patch files are: sp3patch.zip, and when unzipped, setup.ins, _setup.dll, _setup.lib, setup.exe, _inst321.exe, readme.txt. You can try to re-run the patch; if it has already been run, it will tell you so.

See the note on "Cardworks for NT and Service Packs 2 and 3" for more details about the cardsoft patch.

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Windows NT

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IBM ThinkPad

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