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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DDSE-3QPJJ7

Servers - NetWare 4.11 hangs during IDE CD-ROM install

Applicable to: World-Wide

NetWare 4.11 Hangs During Install via some IDE CD-ROMs

The server hangs during a NetWare 4.11 install when copying files from the CD-ROM to the Hard Drive(s).

Problem Isolation Aids:
- The system is a Netfinity server or PC Server 704 that has an IDE CD-ROM used to install NetWare 4.11.

- The Native NetWare 4.11 files IDEATA.HAM, IDECD.CDM, and IDEHD.CDM files are used.

Use ServerGuide (V4.0.1 or later) to install Network Operating Systems so that the current device drivers and service packs are installed automatically.


1- Replace the Native IDEATA.HAM, IDECD.CDM, and IDEHD.CDM files with the latest files that at the time of this publication, are only available by calling Novell and requesting these files by referencing Novell TID 2931918.

2- If the SCSI Disk subsystem uses a IBM ServeRAID or ServeRAID II Adapter, the SCSI drivers must be version 2.30 or later. The current drivers may be downloaded from the IBM Website at URL: http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/files.html
-Select "Search"
-Type "ServeRAID" in the keywords box
-Select and download the current ServeRAID device drivers: "IBM ServeRAID and IBM ServeRAID II device driver diskette" (Version 2.30 or later)

Novell has updated the IDEATA.HAM, IDECD.CDM, and IDEHD.CDM files. These updated files are required to support the IDE CD-ROM that ships with some IBM Netfinity servers and the IBM PC Server 704.

NetWare is a trademark of Novell, inc.

SAS Keywords:
PSY2, D/T9650, D/T8651, 77524, NETWARE, NOVELL, HANG, UNCLASSIFIED, TID 2931918, D/T8644, NETFINITY 3500

Search Keywords

PSY2, D/T9650, D/T8651, 77524, NETWARE, NOVELL, HANG, UNCLASSIFIED, TID 2931918, D/T8644, NETFINITY 3500

Hint Category

Retain, NetWare

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3500, Netfinity 7000, PC Server 704

Machine Type

8644, 8651, 8650




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