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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3NJLBR

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TP SelectaDock I - Locking Pins

Applicable to: World-Wide


Machine type : Base model-I of SelectaDock-I (3547-001/J01)
P/N : 39H7407, FRU P/N 73H8594

Problem description :
Problems with the pin on the righthand side of Base model-I. When the Thinkpad is inserted into the selectadock the
2 pins are pushed into the top cover of the Selectadock Base model-I.

Under these pins there is a flat spring that pushes the pins out of the top surface when the thinkpad is not in the dock.
When you lock the thinkpad in the selectadock , a locking plate slideS under the flat spring. In some cases this locking plate does not come under the spring but against the flat spring .When this happens the flat spring can bend and is permanently deformed. The result is that the righthand side pin does not come out as designed and the thinkpad cannot be locked.

Action taken :

An EC E59819 was released to change the mechanism of activating the right hand side latch. Later systems do not have a spring under the latch, but the latch is activated in the same manner as the left side latch, that is, the latch is activated by rotation of axis. When this problem is reported from field, Base model-I has to replaced with FRU of EC level E59819 (or later).

The FRU P/N od the SelectaDock was not changed.The EC number was updated and is printed on the barcode label on the

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Docking/Port Replicators

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad Docking Stations

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