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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-39FBX9

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PS/2 Server 95 / PC Server 500 - OS/2 Warp v3.0 will not install on IBM array machines

Applicable to: World-Wide

When Installing OS/2 Warp from CD-ROM on a Server 95A or PC Server 500 (array model), the installation routine stops with a red screen saying that a CD-ROM cannot be found.

Problem Isolation Aids:
OS/2 Warp does not know about the array controller, you must copy the drivers to the two diskettes that accompany OS/2 Warp.

The workaround is as follows:
1. Make a copy of Diskette 1 and label it "OS/2 Warp Diskette 1 (with added IBM RAID support)" (we will refer to this as "Diskette 1" in the rest of this tip. Copy IBMRAID.ADD onto Diskette 1 and add the following statement to CONFIG.SYS onto your new Diskette 1.BASEDEV=IBMRAID.ADD

2. Boot with the Installation Diskette and insert Diskette 1 when prompted.
3. When the red screen appears press Enter for the OS/2 command prompt.
4. Type d: where d: is the CD-ROM drive.
5. Change to directory os2image\disk_1
6. If you need to make a partition type fdisk and restart from step 2. Otherwise type:
sysinst2 d:\os2image
and press Enter.
7. At this point it is standard OS/2 Warp installation.

Development are aware of this problem and will fix this problem in the future.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

OS/2, Lock-up/Hang

Date Created


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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 500, Server 95

Machine Type

9595a, 8641



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