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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3G7HVV

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TP General - Enhanced mouse failures on some ThinkPads

Applicable to: World-Wide

The enhanced mouse will not work correctly on some IBM ThinkPads. Pressing the mouse button can cause erratic operations, for example, the system will react to a single click as if were a double click or no click at all.

Problem Isolation Aids:
This tip does not apply to the ThinkPad 360 or 755. affected IBM mice can be identified by manufacturing p/n92G7457 or p/n96F9274 on the bottom of the mouse. The FRU part numbers are the same as the manufacturing part numbers. The problem also occurs when using the replacement to 92G7457 (IBM PS/2 Enhanced Mouse II, option p/n 13H6690 and its FRU p/n 06H4595). Some OEM mice may also exhibit this symptom.

TrackPoint must be disabled for the above mice to work properly. TrackPoint may be disabled by using easy-setup or changing configuration, depending on which model Thinkpad you have. Refer to the proper user documentation for your Thinkpad (user's guide or quick reference manual) for more information on how to disable TrackPoint.

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Input Devices

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPads General

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