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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-38CCEW

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TP 750 - EMM386 Exception or Reboot after Trackpoint

Applicable to: World-Wide

EMM386 Exception 06 or Reboot after Track Point OP

Symptom : After Windows is closed the system receives an EMM 386 exception 06 error or reboots when the trackpoint is touched.

Problem Isolation Aids :
The Windows Audio Drivers are loaded and the control sound panel is set to no sound on start or exit.

Workaround :
1. Enable the start or exit sound.
2. Remove the Audio Driver from SYSTEM.INI file.
A. Edit WINDOWS/SYSTEM.INI by placing an ; in front of the following statements to remark them out of the file.
| |
| In the 386 ENHANCED section: |
| |
| In the DRIVER section: |

Fix :
This tip will be updated when a driver fix is released.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Audio, DOS/Windows 3.x, Input Devices

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 750, ThinkPad 755C/CS

Machine Type





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