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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3Z4G4T

Netfinity 5500/ Netfinity 5500 M10 - NetWare 4.11 SMP install problems

Applicable to: World-Wide

Source: RETAIN tip H164870

During the Novell NetWare 4.11 SMP installation, the problem will appear as either an inability to see the NetWare partitions, or a red screen stating that the drives are inaccessible during NetWare volume creation.

- The system is one of the following Netfinity servers:
a Netfinity 5500, Type 8660, any Model.
a Netfinity 5500 M10, Type 8661, any Model.

- The system is installing Novell NetWare 4.11 SMP.

- The system has one of the symptoms described.

Ensure the disk controller on which NetWare is being installed does not share the IRQ with any other adapter. Install Support Pack 5B before loading SMP support. Support Pack 5B has a newer version of MPS14.PSM which fixes the problem.

The problem is caused by an interrupt routing problem in the MPS14.PSM module that occurs when the following conditions
are met:

1) More than 1 disk controller on the same IRQ.
2) Both disk controllers on the same PCI bus.
3) NetWare 4.11 SMP support is loaded.
4) IPSRAID.HAM driver is loaded for more than 1 adapter.

The first adapter loaded will not be able to see its partitions. If the integrated ServeRAID controller is enabled, it will always be the first adapter loaded.

The problem does not occur with NetWare 3.x or NetWare 5.0 or after Support Pack 4 or later (IWSP4.EXE or IWSP5B.EXE) are applied to the NetWare 4.11 system.

Other company, product and service names may be the trademarks or service marks of others.

PSY2, D/T8660, NETFINITY, UNCLASSIFIED, NOVELL, D/T8661, NETWARE, 4.11, SMP, 8660ERR, 8660PROG, 8660ADPT, MPS14.PSM, 8661ERR, 8661PROG, 8661ADPT, H164870

Search Keywords

PSY2, D/T8660, NETFINITY, UNCLASSIFIED, NOVELL, D/T8661, NETWARE, 4.11, SMP, 8660ERR, 8660PROG, 8660ADPT, MPS14.PSM, 8661ERR, 8661PROG, 8661ADPT, H164870

Hint Category

NetWare, Retain

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 5500, Netfinity 5500 M10

Machine Type

8660, 8661




Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes

Date last altered: A98/10/07