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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DSET-3FCJCN

Aptiva - ANSI Graphics on a BBS

Applicable to: United States

There are a number of bulletin boards that are able to provide special characters and text colors and other niceties if they can detect that you have the ability to display ANSI graphics. While the use of such graphics and other special settings is not crucial to accessing the bulletin board, it can make the text and menus easier to read and more usable.

Sometimes the bulletin board will ask if you want to use ANSI graphics. Reply "yes" and see if it will do the job without requiring you to do anything else. If the board states that you must install ANSI.SYS in order to get these graphics, then edit your CONFIG.SYS file and include the line:


After the last DEVICE= or DEVICEHIGH= line in the file. Reboot the system and connect to the bulletin board again. You should then be able see the difference in presentation. Refer to the article, "Colors at the DOS Prompt", for some additional information on setting up colors for DOS command line sessions.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

DOS/Windows 3.x, Video, Communications Software

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM Aptiva

Product Family

Aptiva, PS/1

Machine Type

2134, 2136, 2137, 2138, 2140, 2142, 2144, 2159, 2161, 2162, 2168, 2176, 2011, 2121, 2123, 2133, 2155




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