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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-43LKS3

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Aptiva - 2158/2163/2164 Considerations - User is able to open more than one instance of the quick test set

Applicable to: World-Wide

Multiple instances of the Quick Test under PC Doctor for Windows can be opened.

Models affected:
2158, 2163, and 2164

How to duplicate:
1. Open PC Doctor for Windows
2. Select Diagnostics.
3. Double click the Quick Test icon.
4. When the Quick test status window shows that testing has begun, bring the PC Doctor window to the foreground. Double click the Quick test icon again. Another Quick test set will be started.
5. The user can continue to open Quick tests. The user can open as many Quick tests as system resources will allow.

Root cause:
Although only one PC Doctor control module can be opened, multiple quick test icons can be opened. This is a limitation in the PC Doctor code.

Although this was fixed in non-US Biltmore preloads, the US will have NO resolution for this problem. The only workaround is do not open more than one Quick test module.

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Hint Category

Considerations, Diagnostics

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2158, 2163, 2164




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