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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3AACBK

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Server Options - DASD Expansion (3518) LCD and control panel not functioning

Applicable to: World-Wide

Abstract :
3518 LCD and control panel not functioning.

Problem :
The LCD panel is blank and the control panel buttons do not function properly.

Problem Isolation Aids :
The unit is a PC Server Enterprise Expansion Enclosure (3518) with one or more hot-swap backplanes installed.

Fix :
1. Shutdown the operating system on the Server.
2. Power off the Server and the 3518 enclosure.
3. Unplug the 3518 for at least five(5) seconds. This action will ensure a full reset of the bus.
4. Verify the Backplane Jumper configuration for J2 and J12 on the 3518. Refer to pages 439-440 of the March 1996 PC Server HMM (publication number S30H-2501-01) and the diagram below.
a. J2 (Backplane Address jumper): Jumper MUST be installed on the pins for Bank0 for a single backplane system. If additional backplanes are installed, each backplane MUST have a jumper on the appropriate pins to ensure proper operation.

b. J12 (Backplane SCSI ID jumper): No jumpers should be present on pins 7-8 (labeled SYSRST).

5. Reconnect the power cord and power on the 3518.

| J2 |
|.. Bank2(E) |
|.. Bank1(D)----- ----- |
|.. Bank0(C)| | | | |
| | S | | S | |
| J12 | C | | C | |
| :::: | S | | S | |
| S | I | | I | |
| Y | | | | |
| S ----- ----- |
| R ----- ----- |
| T ----- ----- |

Note: 3518 Enclosures manufactured before 10/1/96 (MFG Date: 610 and earlier on the rear serial number label) shipped with a jumper incorrectly installed on J12. This jumper MUST be removed for proper operation.

SAS Keywords :
PSY2 D/T8640 D/T8642 PSY2FDSK
DASD P/N71G8388 P/N06H8388 D/T8641
D/T8650 D/T8639 300 310
320 500 520 704
720 P/N70G9855 71G8388 06H8388

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IBM PC Server

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Rack/Storage Enclosures

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