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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3RTR8T

Servers - IBM Netfinity Rack Configurator

Applicable to: World-Wide

1. Larger configurations require more system resources. With Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, you can create more complex configurations before a warning message is displayed.

2. In IBM OS/2 Warp, if you minimize the IBM Netfinity Rack Configurator, you will not be able to restore it using the Window List. You must locate the application icon on the Desktop or in the Minimized Window Viewer and restore the application from there.

3. To change the position of a rack in a rack suite within the IBM Netfinity Rack Configurator, you must drag the rack beyond the center of the racks on either side. If you drop the rack to the left of center, the rack will be moved to the left side. If you drop the rack to the right of center, the rack will be moved to the right side.

4. In Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and Microsoft Windows 95, if you want to switch between the IBM Netfinity Rack Configurator and other applications, click on an area in the Picture window other than a rack. If you click on a rack, you may need to click several times before you can switch.

5. With Auto Arrange off, if you have a monitor compartment in a rack, you cannot make it the active component by clicking with the left mouse button. You must drag and drop it, using the left mouse button.

6. If you have a configuration where you have eight servers in one rack, and you do a Build, two console selector switches will be added. The console selector switches have eight input ports so you need only one. You can go to the Parts List and delete one of the switches.

7. The Build function adds an extra console selector switch for connecting all the other console switches. The Build does not make the connections with this switch if there is not a monitor compartment in the configuration. After the Build, you can make the connection using the Connect To function or you can delete the extra console selector switch if you do not need it.

8. The Build function deletes all single slide shelves and fixed shelves and adds new ones as needed. This includes monitor compartments and keyboard trays. The state of the shelves can be modified to Existing or Installed after the Build.

9. To avoid overwriting when printing, select Print Setup, then Options, and set the option TrueType fonts as Graphics.

10. User-defined components will be shown in the Picture window as generic bitmaps, one for a bolt-in drawer device and one for a stand-alone device. Although these may appear not to fill the space defined in the components' properties, all dimensional calculations will be done using the defined properties.

11. In some cases involving a single server and monitor, an unneeded console switch might be added by the Build function. You can delete the extra switch after the Build. Note: If you do a manual configuration, an extra switch will not be added.

12. User-defined components with dimensions that are not whole numbers will be rounded down to the nearest whole number. This might cause the rack to be configured with less space than required for the components. To ensure that enough space is available, enter all height dimensions rounded up to the next highest whole number.

13. The Connect To dialog sometimes shows a standard cable in addition to optional cables. Search the list to determine if there is an standard cable.

Search Keywords

NetFinity, Racks, RACK configurator

Hint Category


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IBM PC Server

Product Family

Rack/Storage Enclosures

Machine Type

9306, Various




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