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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: PFAN-3TDM48

TP 770 - Instructions for re-installing the ACP modem under Windows 95

Applicable to: World-Wide

There is a slight change in the Windows 95 re-installation procedure for the ACP modem on the 770, as compared to other modems on other machines. Below are the correct steps to take for re-installation of the ACP modem code.

The below procedure assumes you have the 5 diskettes already created. You can make them through diskette factory, or download them from the web. Click here to obtain the diskettes .

1. Put in disk 1, and from the start menu choose "run" and type A:\SETUP. You will be prompted whether or not you want to uninstall the ACP code from your system. Click "yes". If you are sure that you want to un-install the code, click "Yes", then, click on "OK" when you are notified about the Windows 95 Operator Agent. The system will uninstall the ACP software, and present the user with a message stating such. Click "OK" and "Yes" to continue your software upgrade, and "OK" to restart your system.

2. The system will reboot itself. Upon reboot, it will find an unknown device, and the update device driver wizard will appear. Click next, and put in diskette 1 of ACP, and let Win95 find the ACP drivers.

3. Windows will find a Thinkpad Digital Signal Processor driver from diskette one. Click "Finish" to start copying files. It will prompt you for an 'IBM Setup Diskette', and the default directory will be set to C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS. This is the Windows 95 default location; overwrite this with A:\

4. The DSP installation will correctly begin, and setup will continue. All 5 diskettes will be copied.

If you ignore the unknown device, and try running A:\SETUP again after the un-install / reboot, you will get a message saying "Setup could not locate this Plug and Play device". You must use the Add New Hardware Wizard to install non Plug and Play devices. More related information can be found in the README.TXT file included with your ACP software (Start --> Programs --> ThinkPad Modem --> Read Me).

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 770

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