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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-42SQU4

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TP 390,1720 - HMM update to LCD FRU parts list

Applicable to: World-Wide

The purpose of this tip is to correct an error in the Hardware Maintenance Manual for the ThinkPad 390 (i1700 series machines).

The area affected is the 14.1" LCD ASM parts listing listed on page 88 of the HMM. The areas not affected are the 12.1" and 13.3" panels.

These instructions require that you use the HMM in conjunction with it to perform this repair action until the new version of the HMM is released. You may update your HMM to reflect the items and instructions listed below.

Tape has to be applied to hold the LCD cable, but this tape is missing from the drawing and FRU parts list. Drawing has to be corrected and FRU P/N should be added to the list.

Index: 13
System unit: FPC stopper tape
FRU number: 05K5914

The tape (item 13) should be applied next to (adjacent) the cable 'LCD FPC ASM' (item 8) connector with the sticky side up to be attached to the bottom side of the 'LCD Panel ASM' (item 5) to hold the cable to the panel. The tape will be listed as item 13 on the drawing in the HMM.

This tape has to be replaced with a new one (FRU P/N 05K5914) every time the tape is peeled off or removed from the 'LCD Panel ASM' during a repair or for any reason.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 390, ThinkPad i Series 172x

Machine Type

2626, 2627




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