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Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: DDSE-3TQQT6

PCServer704 - Installing Windows NT 3.51

Applicable to: World-Wide

Below are the procedures for installing Windows NT 3.51 on a Server 704.

The three NT Install disks should be from the NT CD. In the \i386 directory run the WINNT with /OX parameter.

1. Boot to the SCU diskette.

2. Select option 1 (non-pnp opsys).

3. Select option 3.

4. Select Edit System Board Configuration.

5. Change MP Spec from 1.1 to 1.4.

6. Exit back until you come to the main menu.

7. Select Save Changes.

8. Exit the SCU diskette.

9. Insert the Mylex Configuration diskette.

10. Change to the daccfg directory and run the daccf.exe file.

11. Select New Configuration.

12. Then select define pack.

13. Then select create pack and select each drive that you want in the array.

Note: Any drive not placed in the array automatically becomes a standby drive.

14. Select arrange pack and select the first drive.

15. Select Define System Drive.

16. Select Create System Drive.

17. Now select the array to create the drive on and then the type of RAID Level to use.

18. Choose the system drive size. IBM suggests using a 500MB logical drive.

19. To calculate size of logical drive use:
[(# of drives in array) / (# of drives in array - 1)] X (desired drive size)

20. Select OK to create the drive.

21. Press <ESC> and then press <ESC> again and select OK to save the configuration.

22. Choose Initialize System Drive.

23. Once the initialization is complete press <ESC> to exit out to a DOS prompt.

24. Reboot to a DOS diskette and run FDISK to create a primary DOS partition using the maximum space on the drive. Creating a partition under NT may or may not work because it sets up disk geometry differently.

25. Once the partition is created you will boot up to the modified Setup 1 diskette. Diskette 1 can be modified by doing this:

26. Copy NTKRNLMP.EX_ File from Service Pack #3 to another drive .

27. Type EXPAND PATH \NTKRNLMP.EX_ a:\NTKRNLMP.EXE (with your backup copy of diskette 1 in drive a:) This file will replace the existing NTKRNLMP.EXE file on the first setup diskette.

28. Insert diskette 2 when prompted.

29. When prompted if the system should auto-detect mass storage devices, press <S> to skip detection.

30. Press <S> again to manually specify a device driver.

31. When prompted for the manufacturer supplied diskette, insert the Mylex Combined Drivers Diskette. (rdrv104.exe)

32. Press <S> again to manually specify a device driver.

33. When prompted for the manufacturer supplied diskette, insert the Adaptec 7800 Family Manager Diskette. (adrv12s3.exe)

34. Press <ENTER> to continue the installation and insert diskette 3.

35. When prompted for the partition select the one that you created under DOS, which should be the only partition available.

36. Select the file system, FAT or NTFS, and let the system format the drive.

37. Then select how you want to do the installation (diskette or CD-Rom).

38. It is a standard NT install from here.

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IBM PC Server

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PC Server 704

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