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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: PMYS-3MPNWC

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Aptiva - 2140/2142 Considerations - Aptiva-ize

Applicable to: World-Wide

Demo runs automatically in Home mode.

When Aptiva Adventure is run on a fresh build and STORE mode is chosen, modifications are made to WIN.INI immediately following the pop-up dialog box. If the user then cancels, re-runs Aptiva Adventure, and chooses HOME mode the demo will be executed upon EVERY reboot. This should not occur.

Answer / Workaround:
A Circumvention to this problem is Edit the WIN.INI file, locate the [Windows] section, locate the LOAD= entry, remove the entry for "C:\APTDEMO\APTDEMO.EXE, then save your changes, and close it. This will avoid the Demo to be launched every single time that the PC is re-started.

Severity: 2
Preload(s): Both

Aptivaize not working after Recovery w/out Format.

If you perform a Recovery Without Format, then try to Aptiva-ize again, the process will fail.

Answer / Workaround:
This is just a side effect of doing Recovery Without Format. No workaround at this time.

Severity: 2
Preload(s): Both

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Hint Category

Considerations, Utility Software

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2140, 2142




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