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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3CJCEP

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM PC - Suspicious 8MB SIMMs in IBM packaging

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
8MB 70ns industry-standard parity memory SIMMs of questionable origin are being discovered in containers that very closely resemble genuine "Options by IBM" (OBI) packaging. These suspect SIMMs, used in PC 300/700 Series systems and PS/ValuePoint Performance Series systems, bear labels with IBM part numbers and the IBM logo.

Suspicious-origin OBI Memory cartons have the following characteristics:
1. The tamper-evident label, when discernible, contains a light colored oval with the IBM logo in a dark color. Genuine IBM tamper-evident labels contain a dark colored oval with a white IBM logo in the background under the "Quality" overprint.

2. The tamper-evident label does not leave "VOID" in adhesive residue when removed. In addition, the suspect labels show some signs of "VOID" while still undisturbed. Genuine IBM tamper-evident labels show no signs of "VOID" while intact, and will leave "VOID" in adhesive residue when lifted.

3. On cartons of suspect origin,the bottom line of the product identification label contains the characters "0594" in the center position. Genuine IBM cartons with "0594" in this position on the label should be very rare at this point in time.

4. The PRICE at some point in the distribution chain may be very attractive, possibly below wholesale.

The suspicious carton design, as well as the genuine, may be either in the original carton artwork OR the newer design which includes some French text.

Items 1 through 4 above apply to any IBM OBI Memory option.

The part numbers on suspect 8MB memory SIMMs are the same as the authentic IBM version:
Option P/N92G7520
FRU P/N92G7521
Manufacturing P/N05H0910

These are the part numbers found in previously investigated incidents; it is possible that other part numbers are affected.
a. Genuine IBM SIMMs with Option P/N92G7520 do not have the 8-bar IBM logo label applied to them.
b. All genuine IBM SIMMs with Option P/N 92G7520 will contain a serialization bar code label IF the characters '091' and 'V6AE' appear on the label as described below. The bar code label may vary in size.
c. Below is an illustration of an 8MB memory SIMM which, IF PURCHASED IN AN "OPTIONS BY IBM" CONTAINER, should be considered suspicious:

Other variations may exist. If A and B are not satisfied, consider the SIMM suspicious.

+--+ |
| |
|= 1 ++--------------++| +--------------+
|= || (White) ||| |IBM 8MB 70NS P|
|= || (label) ||| |05H0910 V6AE |<-Product Code=V6AE
|= || (See ===> ||| |FRU 92G7521 *|
|= ++--------------++| |OPT 92G7520 *|<- ** = '091'rotated
|= +----------------+| +--------------+ 90 degrees clockwise
|= | ||
|= | (various) ||
|= | ||
|= +----------------+|
|= +----------------+| "Du-Logic components are NOT used on
|= | Du-Logic || any authentic IBM Memory product. In
|= | VP4100G-6 || addition, 'no-name' components with
|= | 9510FMC || P/N's beginning with "VP41...." in
|= +----------------+| these positions are also NOT
|= +----------------+| authentic IBM products.
|= | ||
|= | (various) ||
|= | ||
|= +----------------+|
|= +----------------+|
|= | ||
|= | (various) ||
+-+ | ||
| +----------------+|
+-+ +----------------+|
|= | ||
|= | (various) ||
|= | ||
|= +----------------+|
|= +----------------+|
|= | ||
|= | (various) ||
|= | ||
|= +----------------+|
|= +----------------+|
|= | Du-Logic ||
|= | VP4100G-6 ||
|= | 9510FMC ||
|= +----------------+|
|= +----------------+|
|= | ||
|= | ||
|= | ||
|= +----------------+|
|= ++--------------++|
|= || |||
|= || (IBM logo) ||| (IBM 8-bar logo)
|= || |||
|= 72++--------------++|
| |
| |

Incidents involving suspicious IBM packaging and SIMMs, as described above, should be reported to the IBM PC Company WHEN and ONLY WHEN the original packaging and supplier information is still available. For those resident in the US please contact the IBM PC Company HelpCenter at 1-800-772-2227 (reference this tip number) or IBM PC Company Security at 919-543-8416.

SIMMs that meet the 'suspicious' identification criteria above are NOT covered under the terms and conditions of the warranty for the system unit or the warranty provided by "Options by IBM."

PSY2 6875 D/T6875 D/T6885
D/T6876 D/T6886 6885 6876
6886 D/T6472 D/T6482 D/T6484
D/T6492 D/T6492 D/T6384 IBMPC

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Retain, Memory

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PC 100, PC 330, PC 350, PC 730, PC 750, ValuePoint

Machine Type




Retain Tip (if applicable)


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