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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3BFJDB

TP Dock II - SCSI Switch Settings

Applicable to: World-Wide

The Dock II SCSI switch settings are also described in the User Guide.

Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 BIOS address
Off Off Off DC000-DFFFF (factory default)
Off Off On CC000-CFFFF
Off On Off D4000-D7FFF
Off On On Disabled, inactive on reset
On Off Off D8000-DBFFF
On Off On C8000-CFFFF
On On Off D0000-D3FFF
On On On Disabled, active on reset

Switch 4 Port I/O address
Off 340-35F (factory default)
On 140-14F

Pressing CTRL-A during POST invokes the Adaptec SCSI setup utility and displays/alters the preferred IRQ for the Dock II SCSI. However, if that IRQ is used by a ThinkPad device, no conflict is indicated. The Dock II will Plug&Play to a different, free IRQ but no notification is given to the user. It is not possible to display the ACTUAL IRQ being used by either CTRL-A nor ThinkPad Features! This can lead to all kinds of configuration conflicts and runtime problems

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad Docking Stations

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