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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3TUH5Y

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TP 770 - External monitor is fuzzy when attached to the SelectaBase 770

Applicable to: World-Wide

With an External Monitor attached to the Select-A-Base (Option # 83H6735 Fru # 11J8822) for the 770 Thinkpad, the user may experience a fuzzy output while viewing the monitor screen.

Any ThinkPad 770 installed in a SelectaBase 770 with an external monitor attached.

Currently, the only work-around is to either attach your monitor to the external video connection of the Thinkpad or install a video adapter in the Select-A-Dock 3 and attach your monitor to it.

Customer's will need to contact their authorized IBM service center(s) and have the Select-A-Base exchanged. There is a new FRU P/N (05K7037) which should be ordered to fix the very small number of customers who may experience this problem.

You will have to compare the clarity of two monitors of the same type to see the above condition. Pair a Thinkpad attached to a Select-A-Base with an external monitor connected & a Thinkpad that has an external monitor connected to the rear of it to see the differences in most cases. The monitor connected to the rear of the Thinkpad will have a sharper or crisper image than one attached to the above component.

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 770, ThinkPad 770E/ED, ThinkPad Docking Stations

Machine Type

9548, 9549, 3547




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