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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-43EGP4

TP 390,1720 - Internal modem not recognized by Windows 95

Applicable to: World-Wide

During the configuration of Windows 95, the operating system will not detect or recognize the internal modem. This may be experienced in one of two ways:

1. The modem is not automatically detected by Windows 95 and as a result, does not appear in Device Manager.

2. After installing the modem drivers, the modem does appear in Device Manager, however, there is no Resources tab when the modem properties are viewed. Also, when attempting to run diagnostics on the modem through Windows 95 (Control Panel ==> Modem ==> Diagnostics ==> More Info...) a message that the modem is not responding is given. Even attempting to remove the modem either through the Modem Properties window or by running the ltremove.exe to allow Windows 95 redetect the modem does not help.

ThinkPad 390 or i Series 1720 running Windows 95 4.00.950 A or B.

Note: Not all models of the ThinkPad 390 come with an integrated modem.

1. Click on Start ==> Settings ==> Control Panel ==> System ==> Device Manager.
2. Click on the + next to Ports (COM & LPT) to expand the section.
3. Click on COM3 (or some other COM port as appropriate) to highlight it and then click on Remove.
4. Reboot the system.

A second modem will now be shown in Device Manager. This second modem in Device Manager will have a Resources tab and it will function properly.

If this does not work, remove the modem as well as the COM port from Device Manager and reboot.

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Hint Category

Windows 95, Communications

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 390

Machine Type



20U; 50U; 70U; 20F; 50F; 70F; 20S; 50S; 70S; 20P; 50P; 70P; 20C; 50C; 70C


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