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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3NHHXQ

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TP 755CD/CDV - Hints & Tips to configuring Digital Video Producer

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
When setting up and configuring the Digital Video Producer software on IBM ThinkPad 755CD systems, a number of problems can be encountered by users which can lead to incorrect diagnosis of the real problem. Below are details of problems which can occur and remedies to such problems.

DVP Capture Device Not Found)
When starting the Digital Video Producer (DVP) software, a message is displayed indicating that the "Hardware Capture Device cannot be found".
Ensure that an interrupt has been setup for the enhanced video, and also ensure that the display drivers are set for enhanced video. To set an interrupt for the enhanced video, select ThinkPad Setup from within the ThinkPad Features folder, and then select the Video Controller icon, then set Enhanced Video to enabled. To set the display drivers to utilise enhanced video, select the Display icon within ThinkPad Features, select the Device Driver button and set the Enhanced Video to enabled.

Set Vertical Sync Interrupt
When recording video within the DVP software, a message is displayed telling the user to set the "Vertical Sync Interrupt for the Capture Device".
There is no software configurable interrupt for vertical syncronisation. The problem is occurring because the DVP software is unable to determine the start of each video frame and so generates the error. The resolution is to modify the tracking on the VCR/Video equipment and the error should go away. This problem can happen on video cassettes whereby the tracking/frame alignement is incorrect.

DVP Frame Count Slow
When recording video within the DVP software, the frame count increments slowly and it is apparant that the system is only capturing single frames over the duration of the recording. When playing the recorded image back the video clip is not a smooth recording but a collection of frames.
This problem occurs if the tracking on the video/VCR equipment is not set correctly for the media being played. By adjusting the tracking slowly you should see the frame count during recording increment at a much higher rate (at least 15-25 frames per second).

New ThinkPad System Board and DVP
After having the system serviced and a new system board installed in the IBM ThinkPad 755CD system, enhanced video and the DVP software no longer work.
When the system board has been initialised within EasySetup or when the system board is replaced, all the settings specific to the video capture capabilities are also refreshed. To re-enable the appropriate settings ensure that an interrupt has been setup for the enhanced video, and also ensure that the display drivers are set for enhanced video. To set an interrupt for the enhanced video, select ThinkPad Setup from within the ThinkPad Features folder, and then select the Video Controller icon, then set Enhanced Video to enabled. To set the display drivers to utilise enhanced video, select the Display icon within ThinkPad Features, select the Device Driver button and set the Enhanced Video to enabled.

New User to DVP Capture Device Not Found
When running the DVP software for the first time an error is given suggesting that there is a problem with the Capture Device is not found.
The problem will occur because the enhanced video to enable DVP capture will not be setup. To do this, follow the procedure below :
- Install the Enhanced Vide Drivers (reboot afterwards)
- Ensure that Enhanced Video Interrupt is set with ThinkPad Features
- Ensure that the Display Drivers are set for Enhanced Video

To set an interrupt for the enhanced video, select ThinkPad Setup from within the ThinkPad Features folder, and then select the Video Controller icon, then set Enhanced Video to enabled. To set the display drivers to utilise enhanced video, select the Display icon within ThinkPad Features, select the Device Driver button and set the Enhanced Video to enabled.

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Enhanced Video

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 755CD, ThinkPad 755CDV

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