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Document ID: VLAR-3CHQZM

3270 Emulation Credit Card Adapter - Using the enablers

Applicable to: World-Wide

Table of Contents:
1. About the IBM 3270 Emulation Credit Card Adapter (Marketing P/N 0933315) Enablers
1-1. Introduction
Support for Personal Communications/3270
1-2. Enabler Software
1-3. Which Enabler Should You Use?

2. About the Card-Services Interface and Enabler
2-1. Card-Services Interface
2-2. Card-Services Enabler

3. Installing an Enabler
4. Executing an Enabler
4-1. Card-Services Enabler - CS3270.EXE
4-1-1. Software Requirements
4-1-2. To execute the Enabler from CONFIG.SYS
4-1-3. To execute the Enabler at the DOS prompt
4-1-4. Optional Parameters
4-1-5. Memory Requirements

4-2. PNT3270.EXE, SHRP3270.EXE, TOSH3270.EXE
4-2-1. To execute the Enabler from CONFIG.SYS
4-2-2. To execute the Enabler at the DOS prompt
4-2-3. Optional Parameters
4-2-4. Memory Requirements

4-3. Descriptions of Optional Parameters
4-4. If you are using EMM386.EXE
4-5. Using Resource Map Utility

5. Error Messages

6. Using IBM Personal Communications/3270 (PC/3270)
6-1. Changing the Shared-RAM Buffer Address
6-1-1. Full-Function DOS Mode
6-1-2. Entry-Level DOS mode
6-1-3. Windows Mode

6-2. Other
6-2-1. Supported Hardware
6-2-2. Using the IBM ThinkPad 720/720C Suspend Mode
6-2-3. Functional restrictions

1. About the IBM 3270 Emulation Credit Card Adapter Enablers:
1-1. Introduction
This file describes the installation and configuration of the enabler programs for the IBM 3270 Emulation Credit Card Adapter (3270 CCA). These enablers are used to configure the Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) slot-hardware and the adapter.

Having executed the necessary Enabler, you can use 3270-emulation software with a DFT or CUT connection.

IBM Personal Communications/3270 v3 (PC/3270) is supported by the 3270 CCA in all its modes - Full-Function DOS, Entry-Level DOS and Windows. Please refer to section 6 for full information.

1-2. Enabler Software
The diskette image (3270CSD.EXE) can be found on the IBM BBS or WEB site. Four different Enablers are included on the diskette. The names and versions are:

- PNT3270.EXE Version 2.00
- SHRP3270.EXE Version 1.10

1. CS3270.EXE is an Enabler that uses the Card-Services Interface, release 2.00.

Once CS3270 has run, it stays in system memory and handles 3270 CCA status changes, such as removal and insertion. CS3270 needs about 4kb of memory and can be loaded high.

2. PNT3270.EXE is a Point Enabler that communicates directly with the PCMCIA-interface LSI. It can be used to configure the 3270 CCA in IBM computers or in computers which have an Intel 82365SL chip; this chip is a PCMCIA-interface LSI that is common to many systems. PNT3270.EXE should be used when Card-Services software does not exist in the computer or when the version of Card Services in the computer does not communicate correctly with CS3270.EXE.

3. The computers from Sharp and Toshiba use their own PCMCIA-interface LSI, not the Intel 82365SL, so we have provided the following Point Enablers:

SHRP3270.EXE for Sharp computers, such as the 6781
TOSH3270.EXE for Toshiba computers, such as the T3300SL

Once PNT3270.EXE, SHRP3270.EXE or TOSH3270.EXE has run and has configured the hardware successfully, it is removed from system memory.

Note: To configure the 3270 CCA, one - and only one - of the above Enablers must be used.

As soon as the Enabler has configured the hardware successfully, the 3270 CCA can be used in the same way as the IBM 3278/79 Emulation Adapter or IBM 3270 Connection.

An Enabler assigns system resources to the 3270 CCA as follows:

*1: CS3270.EXE and PNT3270.EXE can change this range.
*2: IRQ 9 is redirected to IRQ 2.

1-3. Which Enabler Should You Use?
This depends on several factors: how much memory you can afford; what interface your PC provides; what interface your applications can use; and how much flexibility you want.

Some computers do not have the Card-Services interface and therefore cannot use CS3270.EXE, so you are forced to use a Point Enabler; the Sharp 6781 and the Toshiba T3300SL are examples of such computers.

The PNT, SHRP and TOSH enablers (which are Point Enablers) do not need the Socket-Services or Card-Services interfaces and remove themselves from memory when they have loaded, so they do not consume any memory permanently.

The CS3270 Card-Services enabler needs the Socket-Services and Card-Services interfaces and remains in memory; these three drivers need 34kb of memory, though they can often be loaded high.

However, Card Services provides some significant advantages:

- you can remove and insert cards without switching off the PC

- you can put a card into any slot; CS3270 will find and configure it. If you use the Point Enablers, you must specify the slot number, which means that you really have to use the same slot each time.

- Card Services can manage the use of system resources, thus avoiding conflicts between clients. PNT, SHRP and TOSH cannot prevent such conflicts; the enabler that is loaded last will take over the resources it needs, even if they are being used by another card.

2. About the Card-Services Interface and Enabler
2-1. Card-Services Interface
The Card-Services interface is defined in the PCMCIA Card-Services-Interface Specification and is a standard; it is provided by Card-Services software.

Card-Services software gains access to hardware through another standard interface called Socket Services; this is provided by Socket Services software, which accesses the hardware directly.

Card-Services software manages credit-card adapters, slots and system resources and coordinates the use of them by multiple clients. CS3270.EXE is such a client and is used to configure the IBM 3270 Credit Card Adapter.

Card-Services software can detect status changes such as the insertion, removal, etc of the card and can notify clients of these changes.

The Socket-Services and Card-Services software is provided on the optional diskette for the PC, together with an installation program which inserts the drivers into CONFIG.SYS.

2-2. Card-Services Enabler
While the CS3270.EXE Card-Services Enabler is resident in memory, it can handle two status-change events - Card Insertion and Card Removal.

If any credit-card adapter is inserted, the card-services software generates a Card-Insertion event and notifies CS3270, which checks whether the card is a 3270 CCA. If it is, CS3270 attempts to configure the card.

If a credit-card adapter is removed, a Card-Removal event is generated. If CS3270 is notified of the removal of a 3270 CCA which it has configured, it disables the use of the card.

Note: One instance of CS3270.EXE can handle only one 3270 CCA.

3. Installing an Enabler
No special installation process is needed; just copy the Enabler to the hard disk or diskette from which you want it to run.

4. Executing an Enabler
The Enablers can be executed from CONFIG.SYS or at the DOS prompt.
4-1. Card-Services Enabler - CS3270.EXE
4-1-1. Software Requirements
The following software must be loaded before CS3270.EXE is executed:
- Socket-Services software (IBMDSSxx.SYS *) which conforms to PCMCIA Socket Services release 2.00.
* xx depends on your PC type.
- Card-Services software (IBMDOSCS.SYS) which conforms to PCMCIA Card Services release 2.00.
Note: Socket Services and Card-Services software is shipped on the optional diskette for the computer.

4-1-2. To execute the Enabler from CONFIG.SYS
1) Add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file after the lines which load the Socket-Services and Card-Services software:
DEVICE=drive:\path\CS3270.EXE [optional parameters]

2) Reboot your computer

3) During CONFIG.SYS processing, the Enabler is loaded and, if a usable 3270 CCA is found, CS3270 attempts to configure it. If configuration succeeds, a message is displayed:

IBM 3270 Credit Card Adapter Configured Successfully

This is followed by information about the assigned system resources (shared-RAM address, I/O-port address and interrupt level).

If the Enabler cannot configure the 3270 CCA because there is no usable 3270 CCA or the requested system resources are not available, the Enabler is nevertheless loaded into memory and the following message is displayed:

3270 Card-Services Enabler is loaded

In this case, the 3270 CCA will be configured automatically when it is next inserted.

If the Enabler fails to load, an appropriate error message is displayed. Please refer to Chapter 5, 'Error Messages', for an explanation.

Here is an example of a CONFIG.SYS file, using IBM DOS 5.02 in the IBM ThinkPad 720/720C
4-1-3. To execute the Enabler at the DOS prompt
1) Ensure that the Socket-Services and Card-Services device drivers are specified in CONFIG.SYS as shown above.

2) If the Enabler is on a diskette, insert the diskette into drive A and change the current drive to A:
If the Enabler is on the hard disk, make its directory current

3) At the DOS prompt, enter
CS3270 [optional parameters]

4) If a usable 3270 CCA is found, the Enabler attempts to configure it. If configuration succeeds, a message is displayed:
IBM 3270 Credit Card Adapter Configured Successfully

This is followed by information about the assigned system resources (shared-RAM address, I/O-port address and interrupt level).

If the Enabler cannot configure the 3270 CCA because there is no usable 3270 CCA or the requested system resources are not available, the Enabler is nevertheless loaded into memory and the following message is displayed:

3270 Card-Services Enabler is loaded

In this case, the 3270 CCA will be configured automatically when it is next inserted.

If the Enabler fails to load, an appropriate error message is displayed. Please refer to Chapter 5, 'Error Messages', for an explanation.

4-1-4. Optional Parameters
The following optional parameters are available:

For more details about optional parameters, please refer to Chapter 4-3, 'Descriptions of Optional Parameters'.

4-1-5. Memory Requirements
The memory requirements of the IBM device drivers are as follows:
Load high?

* This may be difficult to load high because of its size

4-2. PNT3270.EXE, SHRP3270.EXE, TOSH3270.EXE
The following example shows how to execute the PNT3270 Enabler. If you have a Sharp or Toshiba computer, you must use SHRP3270 or TOSH3270 instead of PNT3270.

4-2-1. To execute the Enabler from CONFIG.SYS
1) Add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file:
DEVICE=drive:\path\PNT3270.EXE [optional parameters]

2) Make sure that the 3270 CCA is inserted in the slot

3) Reboot your computer

4) During CONFIG.SYS processing, the Enabler is loaded and attempts to configure the 3270 CCA. If it succeeds, a message is displayed:
IBM 3270 Credit Card Adapter Configured Successfully

This is followed by information about the assigned system resources (shared-RAM address, I/O-port address and interrupt level).

If the Enabler fails to configure the 3270 CCA correctly, an appropriate error message is displayed. Please refer to Chapter 5, 'Error Messages', for an explanation.

Here is an example of a CONFIG.SYS file, using IBM DOS 5.02 in the IBM ThinkPad 720/720C

4-2-2. To execute the Enabler at the DOS prompt
1) Make sure that the 3270 CCA is inserted in the slot

2) If the Enabler is on a diskette, insert the diskette into drive A and change the current drive to A:.
If the Enabler is on the hard disk, make its directory current

3) At the DOS prompt, enter
CS3270 [optional parameters]

4) The Enabler attempts to configure the 3270 CCA. If it succeeds, a message is displayed:
IBM 3270 Credit Card Adapter Configured Successfully

This is followed by information about the assigned system resources (shared-RAM address, I/O-port address and interrupt level).

If the Enabler fails to configure the 3270 CCA correctly, an appropriate error message is displayed. Please refer to Chapter 5, 'Error Messages' for an explanation.

4-2-3. Optional Parameters
The following optional parameters are available.

Default: PNT3270 /S=1 /B=CE00 /P=2D0

Note: /S and /P are not available for SHRP3270.EXE and TOSH3270.EXE

For more details about optional parameters, please refer to Chapter 4-3, 'Descriptions of Optional Parameters'.

4-2-4. Memory Requirements
Since PNT3270, SHRP3270 and TOSH3270.EXE are removed from memory after they have been loaded, they have no permanent memory requirement.

4-3. Descriptions of Optional Parameters
/B=hhhh Default: /B=CE00
This option is available for all the Enablers. It specifies the starting-segment address in system memory at which the shared RAM of the 3270 CCA will be located. This address must be in an available memory area between C0000h and DFFFFh and must be on an 8kb boundary. Therefore, valid values of hhhh are:

C000, C200, C400, ......DC00, DE00
The shared-RAM address set by this option must match the address specified by the communication software which uses the 3270 CCA. Generally, the software uses the default value (CE00); this should not be changed unless there is a reason that the default address cannot be used.

/P=hhh Default: /P=2D0
This option is available for CS3270.EXE and PNT3270.EXE. It specifies the address in the I/O-port range that a 3270 CCA will use. If only one Card is to be used, the default value (2D0) must be set; if multiple Cards (up to 4) are to be used, the addresses for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th Cards must be changed.
Valid values of hhh are:

2D0 ... First adapter
6D0 ... Second adapter
AD0 ... Third adapter
ED0 ... Fourth adapter

/S=n Default: /S=1
This option is available for PNT3270.EXE only. It specifies the number of the slot in which the 3270 CCA is inserted. This option is needed when the Card is inserted in a slot other than no. 1.

Valid values of n are 1 to 4.

Here is an example of the statements required if there are 2 IBM 3270 CCAs in a computer:

DEVICE=C:\CC3270\CS3270.EXE /B=CE00 /P=2D0
DEVICE=C:\CC3270\CS3270.EXE /B=CC00 /P=6D0

4-4. If you are using EMM386.EXE
If you are using EMM386.EXE (which is usually specified in CONFIG.SYS), a conflict of shared-RAM usage can occur between the Enabler and EMM386. To prevent this, you should use the 'X' option of EMM386 to exclude the shared-RAM address of the Enabler.

Here is an example of the necessary statement:
DEVICE=C:\CC3270\CS3270.EXE (or PNT3270.EXE)

4-5. Using Resource Map Utility
To prevent a conflict of Shared-RAM usage between the Card-Services Enabler and EMM386 or others, you can use the Resource Map Utility. Resource Map Utility (DICRMUxx.SYS; xx depends on your computer) is a device driver, which is shipped with PCMCIA device drivers(Card-Services software, etc) on the optional diskette for the IBM computer, and is automatically installed into the CONFIG.SYS with Socket-Services and Card-Services drivers by the installation program.

Resource Map Utility program has '/MA' optional parameter which specifies Shared-RAM range to be kept for the Card-Services usage. The Card-Services Enabler CS3270.EXE can request Shared-RAM within its range to the Card-Services.

Note: Before the Resource Map Utility is loaded, the Card-Services software must be loaded.

If you are using EMM386.EXE with Resource Map Utility, the same range specified by the '/MA' option of the utility should be excluded by using the 'X' option of EMM386.

Here is an example of the necessary statement:

5. Error Messages
Defined error messages and their possible causes are listed below:

Message: An invalid parameter has been specified.
Cause : An undefined optional parameter has been specified or the format of a defined parameter is wrong.

Message: Card Services cannot be found.
Cause : Card-Services software has not been loaded or the loaded Card-Services software does not conform to PCMCIA Card Services release 2.00.

Message: This level of Card Services is not supported.
Cause : The Card-Services software which has been loaded does not conform to PCMCIA Card Services release 2.00.

Message: The 3270 Card-Services Enabler cannot be loaded.
Cause : A specified optional parameter is invalid or valid Card-Services software has not been loaded. The Enabler has not remained in memory.

Message: A usable IBM 3270 Credit Card Adapter cannot be found.
Cause : An IBM 3270 Emulation Credit Card Adapter has not been inserted in any slot correctly or there may be a hardware problem with the inserted 3270 CCA.

Message: The specified shared-RAM or port address is invalid.
Cause : The address specified by the '/B=' or '/P=' option is invalid.

Message: No PCMCIA slot.
Cause : This computer does not have a PCMCIA slot.

Message: Unable to configure the IBM 3270 Credit Card Adapter.
Cause : The Enabler cannot access the 3270 Credit Card Adapter correctly because the 3270 CCA cannot be turned on.

Message: Invalid slot-number requested.
Cause : The slot-number specified by the '/S=' option is invalid.

6. Using IBM Personal Communications/3270 (PC/3270)
The IBM Personal Communications/3270 Version 3.0 family (Full-Function DOS mode, Entry-Level DOS mode and Windows mode) is supported for use with the IBM 3270 Credit Card Adapter.

Using PC/3270 with the 3270 CCA is, in general, the same as using it with an IBM 3278/79 or 3270 Connection adapter. However, additional settings are needed in the following cases:

- If you must change the shared-RAM address which the 3270 CCA uses
- If you use multiple 3270 CCAs

NOTE: In these cases, the following levels of PC/3270 are required:
Full-Function DOS mode ... Version 3.0 CSD 1
Windows mode ... Version 3.0 CSD 2

6-1. Changing the Shared-RAM Buffer Address
If the Enabler has set the shared-RAM address to a value other than the default, CE000h, (with the '/B=' option), you must specify an address in the PC/3270 configuration file. The value must match the address set by the Enabler.

6-1-1. Full-Function DOS Mode
To change the buffer address, 'CCA' and 'B=' parameters must be added to the DFT-program line in your start-up batch file (PCSSDFT for SNA or PCSDFT for Non SNA). For example:
C:\PC3270\PCSSDFT LT=*,* A=0 CCA B=D2 n=.......
CCA means that a 3270 Credit Card Adapter is to be used

The shared-RAM address of the 3270 CCA has been relocated to D2000h; before you start PC/3270 with this batch file, the 3270 CCA must be configured by the Enabler with a '/B=D200' option.

The value of 'B=' is the first two hexadecimal digits of the buffer address (the eight most-significant bits).

6-1-2. Entry-Level DOS mode
PC/3270 Entry-Level DOS mode cannot support changing the default buffer address(CE000h).

6-1-3. Windows Mode
If the Enabler has configured the shared-RAM buffer address at the default, you can use the default WorkStation icon to start a session; if you have created a WorkStation Profile (*.WS file), you need not change it.

However, if the Enabler has configured an address other than the default, you cannot use the default WorkStation icon; you must use a WorkStation Profile and must add two parameters to the coax-attachment section - [CSDFT] for SNA DFT, [CNDFT] for non-SNA DFT, [CUT] for CUT, as in the following example:

BufferAddress= indicates the shared-RAM address of the 3270 CCA -in this case, D2000h. The example assumes that the Enabler has configured the 3270 CCA with a /B=D200 option.

6-2. Other
6-2-1. Supported Hardware
The following PCs are supported by PC/3270 (at the appropriate CSD-level) with the IBM 3270 Credit Card Adapter:

- IBM ThinkPad 720
- IBM ThinkPad 720C
- Sharp 6781 (*)
- Toshiba T3300SL (*)

* If you use PC/3270 Version 3.0 Entry-Level DOS mode on these computers(Sharp 6781 and Toshiba T3300SL), applying a patch file of APAR IR99508 is needed. To do so, please obtain the information about the patch file from the IBM Support Center.

6-2-2. Using the IBM ThinkPad 720/720C Suspend Mode
When these computers are powered by their battery pack and the 3270 CCA is enabled, the computer automatically turns off the power to the PCMCIA slot before entering system-suspend mode; at this time, the 3270 CCA is disabled. When the computer resumes operation, the 3270 CCA will be re-enabled only if the Card-Services enabler is being used; if any of the other enablers is being used, you must reboot the computer or run the enabler again.

Note: If you want to use this ability of the Card-Services enabler, the PC Card Power-Management Driver ($ICPMDOS.SYS) must be active. This driver is shipped on the optional diskette for the IBM computer and is automatically installed with Socket-Services and Card-Services drivers by the installation program.

6-2-3. Functional restrictions
There are the following restrictions to the use of PC/3270 in Toshiba T3300SL and Sharp 6781 computers:


Toshiba (w/o Ultra Font)


Sharp 6781

Entry DOS:




Full DOS

Model 5 on LCD









Note: CRT means an external CRT display
OK = works correctly
NG = does not work or works with problem(s)

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