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Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: DDSE-3VHLT9

Netfinity 5500 / 5500 M10 - Installing Novell NetWare 4.11

Applicable to: World-Wide

Revision: 1.00
Updated: 6/8/98

Follow the Network Operating System (NOS) instructions provided in this document sequentially unless you are instructed differently. Screens and messages might differ from those in this document.

This document contains the following:
1.0 What You Will Need
2.0 Where to Download Device Drivers/Files
3.0 Quick Installation Instructions for Experienced Users

4.0 Detailed Installation Instructions
4.1 Setting Up the Hardware for NOS Installation
4.2 Setting Up the BIOS
4.3 Configuring Arrays Using the Integrated PC ServeRAID II
4.4 NOS Installation using the Integrated PC ServeRAID II

Appendix A: Installing IntranetWare Support Pack, v5.0
Appendix B: Installing Hot Plug PCI Support for NetWare v4.11 (optional)

1.0 What You Will Need
A supported hard disk drive. Refer to http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/compat/ for a list of supported options and part numbers for your server).

A licensed copy of MS-DOS 6.22 (or later) or PC-DOS 6.3 (or later).

A licensed copy of Novell NetWare 4.11

IBM Netfinity 3500 and 5500 IDE CD-ROM Support Package, v1.45 (filename: 10L8832.EXE) or later.

IBM Netfinity and PC Server Ethernet Controller and Netfinity 10/100 Fault Tolerant Device Driver, v2.03 (filename: 33L3918.EXE) or later.

The on-board IBM ServeRAID II Adapter requires:
IBM ServeRAID and ServeRAID II Device Driver Diskette, Version 2.82 (filename 24L8051.EXE) or later.

IBM ServeRAID and ServeRAID II Configuration Diskette, Version 2.82 (filename 24L8048.EXE) or later.

IBM Hot Plug PCI System Bus Driver, v1.00 for NetWare, v4.11 or later (optional). See Appendix B for installation instructions.

NetWare 4.11 Support Pack, v5.0 (filename IWSP5B.EXE ). This is available from Novell's Web site or FTP site. See the next section for the Web address and Appendix A for installation instructions.

2.0 Where to Download Device Drivers/Files
IBM BBS (U.S.): 1-919-517-0001

IBM FTP site: ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/pc_servers/

IBM U.S. web site: http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/searchfiles.html

For IBM PC sites in other countries, begin at http://www.pc.ibm.com

Novell web site: http://support.novell.com/misc/patlst.htm#nw411

Novell FTP site: ftp://ftp.novell.com/pub/updates/nwos/nw411/

If you are very familiar with SCSI, hardware, and the installation process, continue with '3.0 Quick Installation Instructions
for Experienced Users'. If not, continue with '4.0 Detailed Installation Instructions'.

3.0 Quick Installation Instructions for Experienced Users
1. If you plan to use the installed the ServeRAID II Adapter as the startup device and also plan to use an external DASD enclosure, refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper setup.

2. If any ISA devices are installed (or will be installed) that need IRQs (or other system resources such as I/O ports or memory) reserved, go into the BIOS settings and select 'Plug and Play' and then the desired resource type you want to reserve. Change the desired resource from 'Plug and Play' to 'ISA Legacy'.

Note: IBM recommends that IRQ 15 be set to 'ISA Legacy' because of how Novell NetWare handles interrupts.

3. Install DOS using a DOS partition between 50MB and 2GB.

4. Install the IDE CD-ROM device driver from the IDE CD-ROM support package diskette.

5. Install the 'IBM PC ServeRAID' device driver using the 'IBM ServeRAID and ServeRAID II Device Driver Diskette'.

6. Use the 'IBM Netfinity PCNet Ethernet Controller Device Driver' diskette for the integrated Ethernet 10/100 controller.

7. Install IntranetWare Support Pack, v5.0b (IWSP5B.EXE). Be sure to install ODI v3.31 support with the support pack. It is a minimum requirement for both the IBM Netfinity PCNet Ethernet Controller and IBM Hot Plug PCI support.

4.0 Detailed Installation Instructions

4.1 Setting Up the Hardware for NOS Installation
1. Remove the power cord from the power supply.

2. Looking at the server from the rear, loosen the two thumbscrews on the top-back of the server and remove the top access panel.

3. For the initial installation, remove all adapters and devices that are not required to get the base operating system installed. For example, if installing multiple network adapters, only install one at this time. If a tape drive or external SCSI devices will be used, disconnect them temporarily. The installation instructions only will cover the on-board Ethernet adapter. After the operating system is starting (booting) without errors, add these devices one at a time. This procedure streamlines the installation process.

Note: If you plan to use an external DASD enclosure, the following instructions will not apply. Refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper setup, then proceed to '4.2 Setting Up the BIOS'.

4. Verify that the SCSI cable runs from the on-board RAID controller to the top of the hot-swap backplane.

5. Install the desired number of hot-swap hard disk drives into the hot-swap bays beginning at the top and proceeding downward.

4.2 Setting Up the BIOS
1. Power-on the server; then, press F1 when the IBM logo appears to enter 'Configuration/Setup'.

2. When the 'Configuration/Setup Utility' menu appears, move the highlighted selection to 'Load Default Settings' and press Enter. Press Enter again to return to the 'Configuration/Setup Utility' menu.

3. Verify that you are at the latest level of BIOS.
a) Find the latest level by checking the IBM web, ftp, or bbs site.
b) Determine the version of BIOS running on your server by highlighting the menu option 'System Information'; then, selecting 'Product Data' and pressing Enter. The 'Flash EEPROM Revision Level' field contains the BIOS version. The numbers in position 5, 6, and 7 of the level are the current BIOS level. For example, KIE146AUS is BIOS level 46A, U.S. English.
c) Press Escape twice to return to the 'Configuration Utility' menu. If you determine that your BIOS does not need to be updated, continue with step 6.

4. If your BIOS needs to be updated, download the appropriate image and build the diskette image by running the .EXE file. Answer 'Y' on the last page of the licensing agreement. The current diskette image is KIJT46A.IMG and is labeled 'IBM Netfinity 5500 Flash BIOS Update Diskette'.

5. Start (boot) with the BIOS diskette in the server and answer the question appropriately. After the BIOS update is complete, you might receive a '162 Configuration has changed' error on startup (boot). Ignore this message. Setup will start and you can continue with step 6.

Note: If you do not see the '162 Configuration has changed' message at startup (boot) time, you will need to press F1 when the IBM logo appears to enter Setup.

6. Move the highlighted selection to 'Start Options' and press Enter.

7. Verify that the 'Primary Startup Sequence' is set to the following (change if necessary):

First Startup Device

Diskette Drive 0

Second Startup Device

Hard Disk 0

Third Startup Device


Fourth Startup Device


8. Press Escape to return to the 'Configuration/Setup Utility' menu.

9. Move the highlighted selection to 'Plug and Play' and press Enter.

10. Move the highlighted selection to 'Interrupt Resources' and press Enter.

11. Change the IRQ 15 setting from 'Available' to 'ISA Legacy'.

12. If you do not have any ISA devices installed in the server, continue with step 16. Otherwise, continue with the next step.

13. Determine the I/O, Memory, DMA, and Interrupt resources that each ISA adapter will require.

14. Select the appropriate resource type and press Enter.

15. Scroll through the selections to the value that matches the ISA Legacy Resource and use the arrow key to change the value from 'Available' to 'ISA Legacy'. Press Escape to return to the 'Configuration/Setup Utility' menu and continue with step 17.

16. Press Escape twice to return to the 'Configuration/Setup Utility' menu.

17. Move the highlighted selection to 'Exit Setup' and press Enter.

18. At the 'Exit Setup' menu, select the menu option 'Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility' and press Enter.

4.3 Configuring Arrays Using the Integrated PC ServeRAID II
1. Insert the PC ServeRAID Configuration Diskette, Version 2.82 (or later) and start (boot) the server.

Upon initial startup (boot), an error message similar to the following might occur:

' - Following drives not responding (oldstate:newstate:ch:bay)
Your system has a configuration error due to above condition(s).'

Press F5 - 'Update adapter configuration to exclude NON-RESPONDING drives' to accept any configuration changes that might occur. The drives will be set up later in this section to match your configuration.

WARNING: NON-RESPONDING drives will be set to DDD, DHS, or EMP state.

2. Select '3. EZ-RAID Configuration' from the Main Menu.

3. Select 'Yes' from the Configuration Menu' and press any key.

4. Exit the utility by pressing any key. Ignore the message to backup the RAID configuration, again confirming with a 'Yes'.

4.4 NOS Installation using the Integrated PC ServeRAID II

DOS Installation:
1. Install DOS. Be sure to create a DOS partition between 15MB and 2GB in size. Novell recommends 50MB for typical installations.

2. After installing DOS restart the server. If you receive a message 'Virus Warning' it can be ignored. Select 'Change is expected' in response to the warning message.

Loading the IDE CD-ROM Device Driver:

1. Insert 'IDE CD-ROM Support Package' diskette and type A:\UINSTALL.

2. Follow the instructions.

3. Using a standard text editor, determine if the following lines are contained within the CONFIG.SYS on C:. If they are, type REM at the beginning of them:

1. The default drive letter for the CD-ROM drive is D:. However, x: will be used in all of the following examples in case you choose to change the default drive letter assignment.

2. If you do not want to use the default CD-ROM drive letter, you can assign the drive letter for the CD-ROM. Edit the 'C:\MSCDEX /D:IBMCD100/M:10' line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT by replacing or adding the statement '/L:x' to the end of the line. The 'x' is the drive letter you want to assign.

Running the NetWare 4.11 Installation Program Using the PC ServeRAID II:
1. Restart the server and insert the 'NetWare 4.11 Operating System CD' into the CD-ROM drive. Move to the CD-ROM drive letter x: and type 'INSTALL'.

2. Select the language you want to install in and press Enter.

3. Read through the licensing terms, pressing Enter as necessary.

4. From the 'Select the type of installation desired' window, select 'NetWare Server Installation' and press Enter.

5. From the 'Select the Product Desired' window, select 'NetWare 4.11' and press Enter.

6. Select 'Custom Installation of NetWare 4.11' and press Enter.

7. If you are installing to a hard disk drive larger than 4GB, you might receive the message 'The size of the DOS partition is xxx MB'. It should be at least 15MB to continue with the installation. Highlight 'Yes' and press Enter.

8. Enter the Server Name and press Enter.

9. Unless you have a specific method of setting internal IPX numbers, accept the default by pressing Enter.

10. Press Enter to accept default source and destination directories for installation. Server boot files will now be copied to the DOS partition.

11. Select a locale configuration for the server and press Enter.

12. Select 'Yes' at the 'Do you want to modify, add, or delete any special startup set commands?' prompt and press Enter. Add the following commands:

Press F10 to save and continue.

13. Specify whether or not to add commands to AUTOEXEC.BAT to load SERVER.EXE (automatically load NetWare upon server startup) and press Enter. The default is No. If you choose to add the commands, specify the path to AUTOEXEC.BAT and press Enter

14. If you plan to run this server with multiple processors, select 'Yes' to install 'SMP NetWare' and press Enter. If you choose to install 'SMP NetWare', select 'MPS14.PSM' from the next window and press Enter.

15. NetWare now scans for available disk controller drivers. You will receive the message, 'Install found the following hardware but was unable to find a matching driver: PCI Disk Controller 8086.7111.0000.0000.01'.

16. Press Enter and then press F10 'Continue without selecting'.

17. Highlight 'Select additional or modify selected Disk/LAN drivers' in the 'Driver Actions' menu and press Enter.

18. Highlight the Disk and CD-ROM driver names and press Enter.

19. Highlight 'Deselect a selected driver' and press Enter.

20. Highlight 'IPSRAID' and press Enter.

21. Highlight 'Select an additional driver' and press Enter.

22. Press Insert to install an unlisted device driver.

23. Insert the 'PC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette' into the diskette drive.

24. Press Enter.

25. Highlight 'IPSRAID.HAM' and press Enter. Reply 'No' to save existing file questions.

26. Select/Modify driver parameters to set the 'Slot Number' to the Slot containing the ServeRAID adapter card (usually 10002 for this server).

27. Highlight 'Save parameters and continue' and press Enter.

28. Specify any additional Disk Drivers in the above fashion by choosing 'Yes' and pressing Enter, or select 'No' and press Enter to continue with the installation.

29. Highlight 'Continue installation' and press Enter.

30. Highlight 'Continue installation' and press Enter.

31. You might receive a message on adapters with multiple ports or channels that their particular driver did not load. If you are not using all of their ports or channels this failure message is normal and should be ignored. Press Enter to continue the installation.

32. You might want to add protocols other than IPX at the 'Protocol Selection' window by highlighting 'View/Modify Protocol Settings' and pressing Enter twice. To continue the installation using only IPX, press Enter. If you want to install additional protocols, you will need to supply additional information at the 'Protocol Settings' window and then press Escape to return to the 'Protocol Selection' window. Highlight 'Continue with installation' and press Enter when protocol configuration is complete.

33. Highlight 'Create NetWare Partitions Automatically' and press Enter.

34. Review the NetWare message that lists the amount of free disk space for the system and press Enter.

35. At the next window, press Insert; then, press Enter on a volume name to change its size. Press F10 to save the change, or press F10 and then press Enter to accept these default volume configurations and continue the installation.

36. You might receive a message stating that the CDROM.NLM did not load in time. This is normal, as the NW411 volume on the CD-ROM is very large. Installation will continue as soon as the CD volume mounts.

37. Press Enter to accept a preliminary installation path, or press F3 for a different path. If you want to change the path, type the new path name and press Enter twice. The system will now perform a 'Preliminary Copy'.

38. After the preliminary copy is complete, select 'Yes this is the first NetWare 4 server', or select 'No to connect existing NetWare 4 network'.

a) If you select 'Yes':
1. Enter the Directory name and press Enter.

2. Select the appropriate Time Zone and press Enter.

3. Review settings for 'Time and Date'; then, press Enter on any item to modify its value, or press F10 to accept the values and continue the installation.

4. Specify 'Company or Organization' (normally the Directory Tree name again) and any additional suborganizations; hen, press Enter.

5. Enter your Administrator password twice, pressing Enter after each entry.

6. Select 'Yes' and press Enter to save Directory Information.

b) If you select 'No':
1. The network is checked for existing NetWare Servers.

Note: A Master or Read/Write Replica Server in the NDS tree must be active before any given tree will appear in the list.

2. Select an NDS tree to connect to and press Enter.

3. Select the appropriate Time Zone and press Enter.

4. Review settings for Time and Date; then, press Enter on any item to modify its value, or press F10 to accept the values and continue the installation.

5. Enter the administrator password for that server and press Enter.

6. Specify any additional suborganizations and press Enter.

7. Select 'Yes' and press Enter to save Directory Information

8. Setup prints out a report of Directory information to copy, press Enter to continue when you have completed copying this information.

Note: Use of a duplicate license diskette will cause unpredictable results and is a violation of the Novell NetWare License Agreement.

39. Insert the License Diskette for your version of NetWare; then, press Enter, or press F3 to specify a location other than the A: drive.

40. A message stating that 'The Server Connection License Was Successfully Installed' will appear. Press Enter and remove the License Diskette.

41. Make any changes you want to make to the STARTUP.NCF and press F10; then, press Enter on 'Yes' to confirm the changes.

42. Make any changes you want to make to the AUTOEXEC.NCF and press F10; then, press Enter on 'Yes' to confirm the changes. NetWare now performs the main file copy to the hard disk drive.

43. When the copy is complete, select 'Continue Installation' and press Enter to exit.

44. Press Enter at the 'Server installation of NetWare 4.11 is complete' message. Installation of NetWare 4.11 is now complete.

45. Continue with Appendix A to install IntranetWare Support Pack v5.0b (IWSP5B.EXE).

46. Continue with Appendix B to install the 'IBM Hot Plug PCI System Bus Driver, v1.00' for NetWare v4.11. This is an optional step.

Appendix A: Installing IntranetWare Support Pack, v5.0 (Appendix A is an excerpt from IWSP5B.TXT.)

To install the IntranetWare Support Pack, complete these steps:
1. To explode the file, type (filename) and press Enter. Explode the file on the server's volume SYS:, on another server volume, or on a local client that is using RCONSOLE to run the installation.

Note: This file contains directory paths that could exceed the DOS limits. The file must be extracted in a root level directory on your local drive or on a NetWare volume which accepts longer paths.

2. At the server console prompt, type LOAD INSTALL and press Enter.

3. Select 'Product Options'.

4. Select 'Install a Product Not Listed'.

5. Depending on where the IntranetWare Support Pack files are located, complete one of the following steps:

- From the local volume SYS:, press F3 and specify the path, including the volume name. For example, SYS:\(directory name).

- From a different server on the network, press F3 and specify the full path including the server name. For example, Server_Name\VOL1:\(directory name). This step prompts for a logon name and password for the other server.

From a local drive on a client using RCONSOLE, press F4.

6. Press Enter.

7. Press F10 to accept the marked options and continue.

8. Press Enter to end.

9. After the files finish copying, review the .NCF files for accuracy; then, bring down the server and restart it to complete the installation of the IntranetWare Support Pack.

10. In order to activate the purge fixes (PRGFREFX.NLM), the 'PURGE /ALL' DOS command must be run at the root of all the server volumes. In addition, VREPAIR.NLM should be run until there are no errors.

Note: Newer files already existing on the server will not be overwritten. The files are first version checked, if they are the same then date checked.

Appendix B: Installing Hot Plug PCI Support for NetWare v4.11 (optional) (Appendix B is an excerpt from README.TXT of the IBM Hot Plug PCI System Bus Driver, v1.00 diskette.)

Minimum Requirements:
- IBM Netfinity Server with Hot Plug PCI slots.

Note: The IBMSBD.NLM driver is designed so that it will not load on any system that does not have Hot Plug PCI slots, including non-IBM systems. If you want to verify that your system's hot-plug subsystem is working properly, load the IBMSBD.NLM driver with the -DETECT flag. (for example, LOAD IBMSBD -DETECT).

- IBM Hot Plug PCI System Bus Driver v1.00 (IBMSBD.NLM) provided by this diskette.

- An adapter and a Novell NetWare adapter driver that supports the ODI v3.31 specification or NWPA v3.00b specification published by Novell.

- Either of the following:
Novell IntranetWare I (NetWare v4.11) with Support Pack 4 or later, and the LIBUPG.EXE update package from Novell. The LIBUPG.EXE package contains a newer CLIB.NLM that is required by the Hot Plug PCI Installation Program to be able to copy files from the DOS partition. The LIBUPG.EXE file can be obtained from the Novell web site at the following URL by requesting the filename LIBUPG.


- OR -

Novell NetWare v5.0 (This diskette is not required because all the drivers, including IBMSBD.NLM, are located on the NetWare v5.0 CD-ROM.)

Note: Novell is not providing the support modules to allow support for any version of Novell NetWare prior to Novell IntranetWare I (NetWare v4.11).

Installation Steps
To install the IBM Hot Plug PCI driver and support files on this diskette to the appropriate directories and add the appropriate

1. Start the NetWare server and go to the NetWare console.

2. Type LOAD INSTALL and press Enter.

3. From the installation menu, select 'Product Options'.

4. From the Product Options menu, select 'Product Not Listed'.

5. Place the IBM Hot Plug PCI driver diskette (this diskette) into the diskette drive.

6. Press Enter to accept the default path of A:\

Note: The contents of this diskette can also be copied to a subdirectory on the server (in either the DOS or NetWare partitions) and the path in step 6 can be changed to match the path to the subdirectory.

7. After a brief moment, the Main Menu of the IBM Hot Plug PCI System Bus Driver v1.00 Installation Program is displayed.

8. Select 'Install NetWare v4.11 Support for IBM Hot Plug PCI System'

9. Type the path where this diskette image is located or accept the default of A:\ and press Enter.

Note: If the installation program immediately returns to the Main Menu when selecting a path that is not on a NetWare volume, it is because the LIBUPG.EXE package has not been applied. The LIBUPG.EXE package contains a new CLIB.NLM module that is required by the installation program so that file accesses to the DOS partition will be successful. Before the installation program can continue, apply the LIBUPG.EXE package fixes and then restart these installation instructions. The LIBUPG.EXE file can be obtained from the Novell web site at the following URL by requesting the filename LIBUPG.


10. After the file copy is complete, press Escape to return to the Main Menu.

11. Select 'Exit' to return to the Installation Program.

12. Press Escape twice; then, press 'Yes' to exit the NetWare Installation Program.

13. Bring down the server and restart it to have the required modules load.

Note: If the installation is successful, you will see the NetWare Configuration Manger Console (NCMCON) showing the available Hot Plug PCI slots, their current status, and any adapters that are currently in the Hot Plug PCI slots.

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 5500, Netfinity 5500 M10

Machine Type

8660, 8661




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