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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: CPES-38LEPS

IBM PC730/PC750 - Uninstall for Business Audio

Applicable to: World-Wide

If a customer wants to install any sound card in a PC700 with Business Audio, the Business Audio must be disabled first. If an install of a sound card, OBI Multimedia Kits in particular, is attempted before the Business Audio is disabled, then Windows will lock up.

If a customer has achieved this lockup, they must do a clean boot using F5 on boot, then revert to the backed-up System.ini and Win.ini files. OBI Multimedia Kits usually rename these as System.i00 and Win.i00.

Problem Isoaltion Aids:

1. From Windows, open Main / Control Panel / Drivers.
2. There will be one or two drivers visible; CS31BA11 WSS 2.0, and Voyetra/ IBM. Usually only one of these drivers is installed. You must click on the driver, and then delete to remove them from the system.
3. Do NOT restart Windows when asked; instead, exit to DOS.
4. Edit the Windows\ System.ini file and comment out the following lines from the [386Enh] section. You may see either of these, or both.
;device = vgame.386
(add ; to comment line out)
5. Edit the Windows\ Win.ini file and comment out the following line:
;run = c:\windows\rrtsklst.exe
(add ; to comment line out)
6. COLD BOOT the machine. On boot, hit F1 during memory count to enter the Configuration Utility.
7. Select Device and I/O Ports / Audio, and set port address to [Disable]. Save and exit, then restart.
8. Start Windows. Windows should now load with no sound and no errors.
9. Install Multimedia Kit hardware/software per kit instructions.

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Product Family

PC 730, PC 750

Machine Type

6875, 6876, 6885, 6886




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